Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mom, I’m scared…

Mom, I'm scared...

Mom, I’m scared…

I’m afraid of what will happen tomorrow. I’m afraid that one morning I’ll wake up and nothing will be the same. I’m afraid of what the morning will bring.
My fear is great. The facts are shocking. I read somewhere that in a war, everyone comes out a loser. In a war there is no winner, only losers.

Mom, I’m scared…

I’m afraid that one day I’ll wake up and the world will have changed. And I’m not the only one. At European and global level, an extra stress is added, that of war. It is no longer happening in some distant country, but right next door. The media never stops showing images of war. Pain, loss and despair.
And all this is happening at a time when most of us are already stressed about the pandemic.

Mom, I’m scared…

I am afraid that we will lose what we have taken for granted so far. My fear may or may not be real. What matters is how I feel about it. And I feel it suffocating me.
I read somewhere what you should take with you in case of nuclear fallout. Science fiction scenarios, some might say. Our tomorrow’s reality will be said by others. The point is that it is happening. It’s happening today, right here beside us.

Mom, I’m scared…

I’m afraid I won’t have time to do what I want to do. What kind of world my children will grow up in. I am afraid for the people who are living the war, for my own people. No one prepared me to experience this.
Mom, I’m scared because my dreams have now taken a back seat to the children who will never dream.
I’m scared because everyone kept telling me that we would have peace. I’m afraid that one day I’ll wake up and find nothing…

Mom, I’m scared…

Mom, I'm scared...

“Now therefore no man is a fool that desireth war before peace: for in the one thing the children bury their fathers, and in the other their fathers their fathers.”
Translation: no one is so foolish as to prefer war to peace. In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. Herodotus, 480-420 BC, Ancient Greek historian
* testimonyfrom a troubled soul*

Μάλαμα Βουτυρίτσα
Μάλαμα Βουτυρίτσα
Ψυχολόγος ○Feel Good Inside & Out● Μέσα από διάφορες τεχνικές αναπνοών και ασκήσεων χαλάρωσης βρίσκουμε το πυρήνα του αντικειμένου που μας προκαλεί ενόχληση στη καθημερινότητα και ξεμπλοκάρουμε τις αισθήσεις μας. Η ευτυχία και η ικανοποίηση στη ζωή του κάθε ανθρώπου είναι δικαίωμα και όχι πολυτέλεια. Ένα μυαλό και σώμα που είναι σε αρμονία μεταξύ τους μας βοηθάνε να είμαστε προσγειωμένοι και γειωμένοι με το μέσα μας και το έξω μας και να εκπέμπουμε μια φυσική ακτινοβολία.


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