Is it wrong to want to change myself?

to change

Is it wrong to want to change yourself? Improve it? to fix him? As time passes, there is a common problem. A worry that all people experience. Fear of age.

What will happen to me when I grow up?

As children, most of us looked forward to the period of adulthood. When I turn 18 I’ll do this, that, the other. Of course, the future is ahead. The prospects are endless and the dreams endless.
Around the age of 25 a little social pressure begins. When are you getting married? Are you ever gonna have kids? And things like that. A pressure to be forced to choose. Either one or the other. At least that is what our society demands.
Let me stress, of course, that age does not play a significant role in this particular concern. Concern for the future is independent of age.

What if I want to change?

From a young age we grow up in a system that encourages change. People are surprised if you change your hair. If you lose or gain weight. Probably enough to make you want to change careers. Perhaps, your place of residence. “You have changed”, your friends and acquaintances will tell you. I’ve evolved, it’s more appropriate to tell them.
Each stage of your life requires a new part of yourself. Wanting to change is not a bad thing. Besides, it usually happens without you realizing it. Subconsciously and slowly.
Remember, everything takes time. Usually, we overestimate what we can do in 1 year, and underestimate what we can achieve in 5 years.

What if I’m alone?

Indeed, it is common when you change to lose the people you had around you. This is because they are either not ready to accept your changes. Either because it no longer serves their purposes.
Changing is a process that some may not be ready to accept. Our choices affect the people around us.
But you have to consider that this concerns you to a certain extent.
Think that on your journey of change you will meet new people. People who match the new you.
Just because you did something in the past doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it all your life. Just because you start doing something doesn’t mean you have to do it for life.
The good thing about life is that we have choices. Many options. In almost all parts of our lives. You have the choice to change or stay as you are.
If you don’t like something, change it. If you like something, keep it.

How do I know if something is working for me?

First of all, there is a good way to figure out what suits you. What’s in it for you? What meets the needs you have now.
In a notebook, write down your daily routine. Just make a record of everyday life. What you did during the day. How did the activities you did make you feel? Did the people you saw offer you peace, tranquility, inspiration? Or did these meetings leave you without energy?
Generally note what you did and how you felt. Don’t judge your feelings. Only by accepting them will you be able to change them.
Change usually means evolution. And that is the source of life. No one has remained the same throughout his life. Change can come naturally and painlessly. It may also take time to accept it.
The key thing is that change shapes us, helps us to create who we are today!

Don’t forget to be uniquely you!


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