Monday, May 20, 2024

Motivation or Discipline

Motivation or Discipline… Here’s the question!

I’m sure that in September you too probably set a goal that you would like to achieve!
Perhaps by the end of the year, or by the summer, whether it concerns your professional or personal life.
And it all starts well!

You are enthusiastic about the goal you have set!
You start taking small steps at a time to get closer to it…
But something happens as the days and weeks go by and you give up.
You feel that you lack motivation and you go back to your old habits…
So maybe you don’t lack Motivation, but discipline?

What is motivation and what is discipline?

Motivation is the desire to do something, to get something, the ultimate goal.
When we use the term discipline, we are referring to the personal discipline of the individual.
The control we have over our decisions and our actions.
Many people have no control over themselves.
Often, you see people starting a diet, going to the gym and after a while they give up.
Discipline is one of the most important tools at our disposal.
Anyone who does not have it can acquire it with practice.
A little at a time, so that in the end he has complete control.

Is the desire enough?

Desire alone is not enough to “force” us out of our comfort zone.
It is not enough to put into practice the steps needed to reach the final goal.
This is what separates the 1% that succeeds from the 99% that fails to achieve the goal.
The 1% will discipline themselves and take the steps that need to be taken.
“Shoulds” are a driving force for this category of people. We can all belong to this category.

It’s great to have desires but you need to have the tools to achieve them.
One of these is discipline.
Start setting limits for yourself today and soon your wishes will come true.

Μάλαμα Βουτυρίτσα
Μάλαμα Βουτυρίτσα
Ψυχολόγος ○Feel Good Inside & Out● Μέσα από διάφορες τεχνικές αναπνοών και ασκήσεων χαλάρωσης βρίσκουμε το πυρήνα του αντικειμένου που μας προκαλεί ενόχληση στη καθημερινότητα και ξεμπλοκάρουμε τις αισθήσεις μας. Η ευτυχία και η ικανοποίηση στη ζωή του κάθε ανθρώπου είναι δικαίωμα και όχι πολυτέλεια. Ένα μυαλό και σώμα που είναι σε αρμονία μεταξύ τους μας βοηθάνε να είμαστε προσγειωμένοι και γειωμένοι με το μέσα μας και το έξω μας και να εκπέμπουμε μια φυσική ακτινοβολία.


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