Conscious eating, what is it?


Conscious eating is the relationship you have with food. And in this article I will tell you everything.

Conscious eating, what is it?

Specifically, it is the connection you have with your body. More specifically, your way of thinking and the way you choose to take care of your body and mind through food.
Food is the fuel our body needs to function. It is the fuel that our minds use to think and create.

Eating can be a pleasure, it can also be guilt. What makes the difference is mindful eating. Conscious eating is more than just following a healthy diet. Think of it more as a daily practice to follow.

Where does mindful eating help me?

As with anything else, mindful eating requires practice. It is a practice that will offer you several positive results in your daily life. Results that last and improve your life.
It is a well-known fact that the way you choose to nourish your body affects your energy levels as well as your psychology. It affects your spiritual and mental clarity and even your productivity.
So the decision to eat consciously is the first step. The first step to a respectful and aware relationship with food and the way you choose to take care of yourself.

Conscious eating, what is it?
a photo with an apple and a towel that says practice mindfulness

How can I practice mindful eating?

As I said, mindful eating is a matter of practice. And it makes sense that with the pace of everyday life you don’t focus on the food experience.
But if you are not careful, you are likely to feel fatigue, inability to concentrate, bad mood, etc. Something that is most likely your diet is to blame. Initially focus not only on what you choose to consume but also how you consume it.

Here are some simple daily practices.

Incorporate them into your life for a more conscious diet. Start by paying attention to the foods you eat. What do they offer you, how do they make you feel? Take your time when you sit down to eat. Think of it as a ritual and not as a quick thing (whenever your daily routine allows).
Pay attention to every bite. Enjoy your food. The goal is to feel energized through food, not weighed down.
And finally, be present. Often we eat with the TV on or the mobile phone in our hands. Try not to have distractions when you sit down to eat. Stay focused on this process. It’s all part of mindful eating.

Conscious eating, what is it?
a table full of food

If you follow these simple daily practices you will definitely notice positive differences. Building a balanced and conscious diet and relationship with food is up to you and the choices you make every day. By doing this you will feel better in your psychology, your health and your daily life in general.

Don’t forget to be #FabuleuxMoi


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