Bullying and everyday life

bullying - stop

Bullying: let’s talk openly.

bullying many over one
many over one

Lately I (along with you) have witnessed extreme incidents of bullying. I see in the media incidents that happen either in the school context or in everyday life, on the street, in the neighbourhoods and squares. But bullying is not normal behaviour!

What is bullying

First of all, bullying takes many forms. It can be physical, verbal or psychological. Also with the rise of technology it can also be online.
Specifically, bullying is defined as “the bullying (or bullying) refers to the physical and psychological abuse or reduction of weaker individuals in a group. Despite the impression of some that it is an exclusively school-based phenomenon, it actually occurs in all ages and social groups. It can be found in any type of schools and school facilities, in the military, in sports clubs, in prison, but also in the family or in the workplace. It is a form of abuse or coercion. The victim of bullying is also referred to as a target.”.
In short, most people have experienced bullying at some point in their lives. Either as adults or as children. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Here to emphasize that if you are the recipient of this behavior, it is not your fault. The core of the specific behaviour is in the person who is doing it, i.e. the “perpetrator”.
It’s important when you’re faced with some of this behaviour to speak up, to not let it go. Even if you are not the “target”, if you witness such incidents, where you can intervene.

bullying - stop
a woman doing the stop move

Above all attention

Of course it is not easy to intervene every time, and it depends on the incident you are experiencing or see happening in front of you. But there are some ways to help and be helped.
1 ) Don’t be afraid to speak up. To a superior, a friend, an expert and, if necessary, to the relevant authorities.
2 ) When you are being bullied, try to keep calm. People who engage in this aggressive behavior seek your reaction. As long as you remain calm, they might get bored.
3 ) Ignore it. As long as you show them that it doesn’t affect you, you weaken them.
4 ) Work on yourself. Build your confidence. Know your strengths. Have faith in yourself and recognise your potential.

stop bullying
stop bullying

Sometimes it will not be possible to avoid it. Besides, it is now clear that the source of the bullying has nothing to do with you. It is about the perpetrator, not the victim. Try to keep calm. Don’t let these situations affect you. Very importantly, if you have a child, talk to them. Let him know and show him that he can talk to you comfortably.
I hope I’ve made things a little clearer and helped you.

Don’t forget to be #FabuleuxMoi


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