The secret to the right shampoo!

The secret to the right shampoo is the ph.

Learn how important the right hair shampoo is.
Hair shampoo, a product we don’t usually pay much attention to.
Big mistake!
Choosing the right shampoo for your hair is not so easy after all.

What do you need to know?
That the right shampoo for your hair is not just a product that cleanses the hair. It is one of the essential products you need to have beautifully healthy hair, scalp and long lasting hair color.

Shampoo and ph what is it?
pH is used to determine the acidity or alkalinity
ranges from 0 to 14. A value below 7 is acidic and a pH value greater than 7 is considered alkaline. Finally, a pH equal to 7 is the neutral.

Why do I need to watch the ph in my shampoo?
The scalp, like the skin on our body, has a pH of about 5.5. But it can be affected by the products we put on it. So when we use shampoo with a ph of 5.5 or a little less, staying within the normal skin ph levels, this will provide us with a reduction in hair frizz and therefore a healthy scalp. A pH greater than 5.5 can cause sensitivity such as dry skin and even hair breakage.

Is the ph indicated on the shampoo?
Not on all products!
In a large percentage of commercial products, the ph is greater than 5.5.
In most professional and pharmaceutical shampoos you can find in a salon, the ph is correct and does not exceed 5.5.

How will you know if it’s right for your hair?
If you notice that your hair is frizzing more or your scalp feels irritated, dry or you may have intense itching. these signs indicate that you are not using the right shampoo for your hair.
Prefer shampoos without natural salts and parabens. It is best to choose among organic products that contain fewer chemicals for your body.

This is why you need to pay close attention to the pH of the shampoo, as far as your hair and skin are concerned.

How do I choose the right shampoo?

The best way is to consult your hairdresser or in difficult cases, i.e. when there are problems with the scalp e.g. psoriasis, go to the emergency dermatologist. Otherwise your hairdresser knows exactly, with a correct diagnosis,
which shampoo your hair needs and which one will make it easier for you to
your everyday life!


Don’t fall into the trap,
“my friend uses a great shampoo, I’m going to get it too”.
This is a big mistake because a great shampoo for one person may be the most inappropriate for your hair. Each case is different and needs a proper diagnosis for the right product !


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