Meet the hair masks with semi-permanent color HotShotz


TheHotShotzis a semi-permanent dye – mask of the A.S.P – AFFINAGE SALON PROFESSIONAL,
that gives us amazing shine and intensity to the hair color.
It is a range of true semi-permanent dyes with incredible moisturizing action consisting of 8 shades in the form of an advanced creamy

It contains the anti-aging technology DATEM™+, but also COLOUR LOCK technology against fading,
that offers long lasting color effect.
In simple words, the HotShotz product can be described as a mask with colour.

HotShotz refresh existing artificial color and accentuate the color in natural hair giving us
the ability to give soft desired shades without affecting them like a permanent hair dye.

Hotshotz can provide 20% coverage on white hair.
With a dwell time of only 3-20 minutes, Hotshotz offers hydration and radiant color without the mixing
oxidising agent (acetic acid) and without containing ammonia.

A very basic advantage especially in their application on natural hair, is that they do not create the problem
the appearance of the root because they are completely removed from the hair within 6-10 washes (depending on the quality of the hair).

HotShotz are very easy to use.
It is the easiest, but also the fastest way to refresh the hair colour.


Quicksilver (Cold Silver), Sand blonde (Soft Beige Blonde), True Copper (Bronze with gold intensity),
Burnt copper (copper with red tint intensity), Ice chestnut, Hot chocolate,
Red chilli (Hot Red), Aubergine (Deep Purple).

Instructions for use :

See the table below for the suggested shade selection.

QUICKSILVERCold Silver10, 9 & 8
SAND BLONDESoft Beige Blonde9, 8 & 7
BURNT COPPERCopper with intensity in the red shade8, 7 & 6
TRUE COPPERCopper with intensity in golden hue8 & 7
RED CHILLIHot Red7, 6 & 5
HOT CHOCOLATEHot Chestnut7, 6 & 5
ICE CHESTNUTCold Chestnut7, 6 & 5
AUBERGINEDeep Purple5, 4 & 3

If applied to bases other than those recommended, the effects may be either more or less pronounced.
These shades will give very intense results on discolored hair.
Quicksilver is also recommended to be applied to discolored hair to neutralize the
of unwanted yellow tones. Its application is also common on natural white hair that is yellowed by various exogenous factors. ( Cigarette, sun exposure, pollutants)


We wash the hair and then, we dampen the hair very well.
Apply the product evenly to the hair using a bowl and brush or applicator.
The recommended dwell time is between 3′ and 20 minutes depending on the desired result.
The longer the stay, the longer the duration and the more intense the effect will be.


Rinse very well.
With HotShotz because of their deep moisturizing action, after rinsing, the use of conditioner may not be necessary.


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