Lack of sleep? Secrets to hide it!


Nowadays, lack of sleep is a common phenomenon. Often, we don’t get as much sleep as we really need. A little bit of obligations, a little bit of work, a little bit of stress…
The supposedly ideal sleep of 8 hours turns out to be an illusory dream.

Surely, there is nothing worse than having to go out into the world in the morning after a night of insufficient or poor sleep. Most likely you will feel bloated, pale and generally a wreck.
And it makes perfect sense, as sleep is the main “doctor” of our body and, by extension, our face. However…

There is salvation!

The good news is, there are several ways to always look rested and fresh…
As if you have completed a full eight hours of sleep! The whole secret is in the eyes (primarily).

Let me clarify that, under no circumstances, should you apply heavy makeup to your eyes when there is a lack of sleep.
That would draw a lot of attention to them. At the same time, things will be even worse if you don’t use any makeup at all. The magic word is balance. But let’s look at it in detail.


Before we start talking about makeup products, let’s start with skin hydration. Lack of sleep causes dehydration and makes the skin look dull.
To start, “wake up” your skin by soaking a towel in a bowl of water and ice.
Press it onto your skin five to ten times and then use a dry towel to remove the moisture. After that, use a moisturiser on your face, as well as your eye cream.

Eliminated swellings and bags

If there are intense puffiness in your eyes, the best thing to do is to immediately go on the counterattack.
Put two used tea bags in the fridge and then make a compress with them for 10 minutes on the affected areas. But make sure you have drained the tea bags of tea bags sufficiently to prevent the liquid from getting into your eyes. Caffeine really works wonders in these cases!

Put concealer

Nothing screams “lack of sleep” louder than dark circles under the eyes.
Their darkest point is between the inner corner of the eye and the nose bone. This is where you should put the most emphasis on the positioning of the concealer.

Also, concealer is excellent for covering the fine red lines created by insomnia on the upper eyelid.

Apply foundation only topically, or apply moisturizer with color

Now is not the time for heavy makeup on the face with an intense base.
(Of course, if you ask me, it’s never the time! However that’s another matter.)
As I mentioned before, lack of sleep causes dehydration.
Therefore, a heavy base with a lot of product will make the face look dry and “cakey”.

Instead, use a moisturizer (or sunscreen) with a little colour.
Alternatively, apply your foundation only locally where there are discolourations.

Highlight the contour of your eyes

When there is a lack of sleep, our eyelids usually look redder.
A secret that works great is to use a white or beige pencil on the inside of the eyes to neutralize any redness.

However, if applying a pencil to the inside of your eye is not something you’re comfortable with, there is still a solution. Place a few dots of white or beige colour between your lower lashes and then work them in a little with a brush. This will instantly give your eyes a more relaxed look.

As for the upper eyelid.. avoided liquid eyeliner have a harsh effect. Alternatively, highlight it slightly with a brown pencil in the outer corner to give it a more uplifting effect.

Use eye shadow

that beige you never paid attention to

When you need to look “awake”, eye shadow can be your best friend. All palettes contain a neutral beige colour. This is the hero of the day! Apply this shade all over the mobile eyelid, with special emphasis on the inner corner, which is the darkest part.

Extra tip: if your eyes are puffy, try to avoid metallic and shiny textures as they will give them even more volume.

Highlight your lashes

From my experience as a make-up artist, what I have to tell you is that there is nothing that “opens” the eyes more than well-combed and intense lashes! Use the scissors to give them upward momentum and finish the look with a coat of mascara.

Prefer a natural blush in cream form

When we talk about lack of sleep, the first image that comes to mind is a face without color and without glow. So why a cream blush and not just any blush?

On the one hand, with cream products you avoid the dry effect that powder products have. On the other hand, by applying it on the apples of the face, it restores the healthy look that a person has when they are truly rested.

Emphasize your lips

A very simple way to hide your lack of sleep from your eyes is to draw attention away from them! By applying a more intense colour to your lips, the eyes are drawn directly there and not to other parts of the face that may be suffering.

Pour a big cup of coffee and good luck! Good morning!

Myrto Paretzoglou


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