Hair and alcohol!


Alcohol is a habit – harmful if we exaggerate – that is part of our everyday life.
A glass of wine, an imaginative cocktail can be part of a nice night out with friends.
All good so far.
But can they affect our hair?
And if so, to what extent?

So let’s start with a clarification.
Every measure is excellent.
This means that indeed a glass once in a while will not have disastrous results.
But because a habit is built through repetition, let’s analyze what can happen to our hair
from a frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.

1. Can it cause hair loss?

In large and frequent quantities it is possible.
Its frequent intake affects the way the body absorbs essential nutrients,
which are essential for healthy hair.
Thin hair = hair loss!

2. Does it dehydrate the hair?

Alcohol is a substance that dehydrates our entire body, especially in large quantities.
The hair and the scalp could not escape this event.
A general dehydration, apart from the sure headache it will cause, will also leave us with dull thirsty hair.
Good internal hydration and restorative products are the first step towards restoration.

3. Does it cause greasiness?

As mentioned above, it causes extreme dehydration.
However, its consumption, combined with the consumption of fatty foods and a certain lifestyle
can leave us with oily hair.
The same can be caused by dehydration.
The body should try to hydrate itself by producing more fat.
Proper shampooing, good nutrition and always proper hydration, inside and out.

4. Is it responsible for white hair?

In all likelihood the answer is no.
The appearance of white hairs is a genetic issue and we have so far no evidence
that it can be influenced by exogenous factors.

5. What happens to the hair when stopping alcohol?

The good news is that alcohol consumption does not leave a permanent imprint on our hair.
By stopping alcohol we will of course see an overall improvement in our image and our health in general.
If you think your hair is damaged, I would suggest you visit your Consultant Hairdresser.
It will direct you to treatments and care products that are right for you.

A healthy lifestyle means well-being and health both internally and externally.
Hair, nails and skin are affected like every other organ of our body by our lifestyle habits.
We take care of ourselves internally and externally for an excellent quality of life!

Want tips for your hair health?
Find me on Facebook & Instagram.

I kiss you,
Maria Dretaki.


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