Hairdresser’s Visits and Client List


Statistical and financial indicators are the most important information that a salon needs to know both for its current and future performance.
It is also very important to know your position compared to the competition.
In this Hairdressing News article we will look at two of the key tracking indicators, visits and clientele, as well as the average market for the first nine months of 2022 compared to the same period in 2019.


Visits to a store are defined as the number of times a customer performs a service or buys a product.

The average number of visits in the first eight months of 2022 is down 15% compared to 2019.  

The decline in visits is therefore due to the health crisis.
The two previous years have affected customers, changed the way stores operate
(the people who need to be in the shop, hours, appointments, etc.).


As a customer list we define the nominal list of customers, who have been served in the time period we have defined.

The average female clientele in the first eight months of 2022 has a very small decrease of -0.5% compared to 2019.

The female clientele remains stable.
So the aim is to increase the female clientele and therefore the visits,
which is clearly more profitable than the male.

Following on from the female clientele, the colour clientele has seen a significant increase of 7%.

Increasing the color clientele is extremely important.
Colour is therefore one of the most important sources of turnover for a salon.
And as we all know, the first goal for making a profit is high turnover.
Colour also leads to frequent visits, customer loyalty and advertising your work to the outside world.

So if you wish to upgrade your beauty area and the experience that your customer experiences, you too can
in your beauty area you can book a free introductory session here.

For more news and education on everything you need for your beauty business follow us on Social Media:Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


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