Indoor care for healthy hair!


The internal care is as important as the external care of our hair.
Today we will see how to achieve this!

The hair is an element of our body that is greatly affected by the conditions surrounding it.
Both the products we use externally, as well as the styling we do, and the foods we eat
but also our hydration plays a role.
Our hairs reflect the care we give them.
But what do we need to do to make sure they are at their best internally?

Water, water, water!
It is widely known that water is health.
How could it be any different for our hair?
One and a half to two litres of water, depending on our body weight, is necessary every day.
Proper internal hydration improves the appearance and quality of both hair and skin.

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Leafy vegetables
Anything green and especially leafy vegetables, such as spinach, improve the intake of iron in our body,
essential trace element for the proper transport of oxygen to our cells.
Spinach, in particular, contains vitamins A and C, which help the body to absorb iron.
So how about a delicious, hearty salad?

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Good fats!
Start your day with a delicious avocado toast, or use it in a salad, or as an accompaniment to your meal.
Whichever way you choose, the important thing is that avocados are a nutritional superpower.
Full of potassium, magnesium and vitamins C, D, E and B6, it has an antioxidant role and reduces stress.
It is a food with a lot of fat, but it is good fat, which helps to rebuild cells.

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Seeds and nuts
The pastiche of food!
They can be used everywhere, literally.
Breakfast, salads, snacks, but also in main meal preparations.
Walnuts, almonds and many others are sources of zinc, selenium and magnesium that strengthen hair follicles.
Their omega-3 and omega-6 content helps both to prevent inflammation in the hair and to improve blood circulation.

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Iron and protein are essential when aiming for hair growth.
Eggs are an excellent source of protein.
The protein of our hair is keratin and it needs replenishment to continue to have healthy and shiny hair. Try to include 3-5 eggs in your weekly diet.
And if you’re vegan, or just don’t like them, you can get the same elements through nuts!

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The health of our skin and hair starts from the inside out.
So, just as you make sure you use quality products on your hair, make sure you give it all the nourishment it needs
to look – and be – radiant, healthy and beautiful.

If you need more specific hair advice, you can find me on social media, Instagram & Facebook.

I kiss you, until next time,
Maria Dretaki.


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