Black out quickly and safely.


What does summer mean to you? Sea, ice cream, nice dresses, loose dressing, walks, cocktails, beach bars and of course the right tan.

Because yes, vitamin D is good for your bones, teeth and skin, but if you go over the limit, the sun also causes premature ageing, scars and skin cancer.

Lie down on the sand, on the balcony, on the roof, or wherever you feel comfortable to sunbathe, without stress but with care.

It’s not so much the time you spend in the sun that matters, but the way and process you do it.

Read 6 ways to get a proper tan fast!

  1. The right sunscreen with protection
    The sunscreen we buy should not only say SPF, but either say “broad spectrum protection” or have the UVA label with the word “high protection”. For best results, it is advisable to choose a sunscreen with SPF30, which can filter out 97% of UVB rays, or SPF50, which filters out 98%.
  • Limit on tanning time
    Everything has a limit, even the time your body can produce melanin. WhatDon’t sit for hours sunbathing because after a while you just expose your skin to the sun’s UV rays dangerously. Also remember to renew your sunscreen every 2 hours and check the expiry date… because sunscreens also usually expire after a year!
  • Take a break and sit in the shade
    Try not to be exposed to the sun all the time but take breaks and go to the shade. This will help you get a healthier tan with a longer lasting tan.
  • Sunscreen and carotene supplement
    Much is said about special creams that help in tanning by improving melanin production. Unfortunately this is not absolutely magically correct. But you can combine it with daily consumption of beta-carotene supplements 25g. and of course don’t forget your sunscreen.
  • Sun-friendly foods
    You need to increase your body’s natural prophase indicator, lycopene. This, according to experts, can be done by 33% by eating tomatoes, red fruits and vegetables. Also dark chocolate, because it is rich in flavonoids, can protect against a burn and caffeine can reduce the risk of skin cancer.
  • Yes to special tanning sprays
    If you don’t want to go white as milk on the beach, one solution is to tan by applying a special spray, foam or lotion a few days before. This will not only protect you from the sun’s rays, but it will not only make you look good, but it will also help you avoid getting burned during your first visits to the beach.


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