After coronavirus season, new health problems appear


It has been nine months of pandemic, 3 quarantines, 385,444 total cases and 11,641 deaths.
Many bans, masks, antiseptics, self test, vaccines… almost two, weird years that we can’t wait to change. We got sick, we got better.
Did we really get well, or will new health problems appear after the coronavirus season?

Study shows that 1 in 7 people infected with coronavirus, 14% of adults, develop at least one new health problem. Health problems such as respiratory failure, diabetes, liver problems, kidney problems, physical fatigue, coughing, headache and joint pain.

Problems we didn’t have…but we got. Long-term coronavirus can also damage the lungs, heart, blood vessels, blood vessels, brain and create blood clots and blood vessel problems. According to researchers, the virus increases the chances of strokes, seizures, seizures, stroke, and Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Guillain-Barre syndrome, a condition that can cause even temporary paralysis.

Depression and anxiety

More than half of those who had contracted the virus (265 men and 137 women) and had been tested and treated in hospital… on their return home had, in addition to significant problems with their vital organs, psychiatric disorders such as post-traumatic stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression.

According to the study and the questionnaires completed by former covid19 patients, 28% had symptoms of post-traumatic stress, 31% were depressed, 42% suffered from anxiety, 40% from insomnia and 20% had symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Women in particular experience anxiety and depression, even though their infection was not as severe as that of men.

The risk of health effects increases with age, whether there were underlying diseases and how long someone was treated with Covid-19.

But even those who were younger (under 50 years of age) had Covid-19 disease at home, almost asymptomatic and not in hospital, as well as people who had no health problems before the coronavirus … face an increased likelihood – up to six months after the initial Covid-19 infection – of develop a health problem that did not exist before.

The solution to avoid getting sick, according to experts, is to do the a vaccine against the virus. When asked which of all is the best vaccine, i.e. without effects on our health but also strong in strengthening our body against covid19, the answer of the professor of pathology at the Athens School of Medicine, Mr. Konstantinos Syrigos is that

“The best vaccine is the one that gets done the fastest,” the one we can get an appointment for!!!!


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