Diet and hair!

Nutrition and hair
Diet plays a very important role in the health of our hair.

An important condition for the health of our hair is the correct
eating food with the necessary amounts of vitamins
and trace elements.

What are the essential foods that should be eaten
consume and why?

-fish, meat, eggs =
Proteins and proteins are essential for the creation of hair keratin !

-Cereals , potatoes , beetroot , peas , corn , carrots , be ans =
Starchy foods
Foods that are essential for the hair like “gasoline”, to be activated
the production of hair.


-dry fruits , linseed , olive oil , olives , avocados =
Healthy fats, elements found in the structure of the hair and scalp to protect it.

-Apples, apricots, peaches, watermelon, banana =
They are essential for the proper growth of hair , contain a
one of the most essential ingredients that our hair needs for
growth and faster biotin which is also against hair loss!

-Red meat , liver , cocoa , red legumes , lentils=
They are essential for the longevity of the hair. Its deficiency causes hair loss.
These are the essential foods we need to consume for
to have great healthy hair !


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