Temperature is an ally.


What is the final answer?
What does it do to our hair?

Much is said and written about heat.
So let’s try to take an approach to the issue.

In the past, the hairdryer was the tool that brought the salon to life. Women waited hours for a hairstyle, the hairdressers’ hands were on fire.

Over time, technology has taken a dynamic position in the hairdressing industry. Initially it made the hairdresser’s life easier. Then, to save time, women started to buy and use some hairdressing tools at home. Then, they started looking for speed with personal use of tools at home. The hairstyle at the salon took on a different dimension.

Hairdressers are looking for new ways to diversify every day and evolve their work. Why?
Because… the girls themselves now make beautiful hairstyles!
But nothing will replace the care of the hairdresser, the knowledge and quality that he offers in the salon, combined with his experience.

Heating tools such as hair dryers, curling irons and straightening irons are some of the biggest culprits for damaged hair.
They are now easy to use but they need attention!

Ideal temperature for hair is 185 degrees in the heating tools.
The mistake many times with hairdryers is that we stick the nozzle on the hair and insist and as a result the horn substance of the hair is damaged, loses its elasticity, the scales of the hair are destroyed and the hair is left exposed having a sad look (like dry ears of corn).

The correct use is to warm the hair so that the horn substance softens, shape the hair (as I say in my classes) and give it shape.
We make straight hair curly and curly hair straight.

Greek natural hair is usually dark, curly or kinky and lush. Greek hands are unique, say the French hairdressers, who admire us for the art we have in our hands, we tame the hair no matter how unruly it is.

Greek hair is usually frizzy.
The responsibility of course cannot be attributed solely to the tools, but also to the use as the real damage happens when we do not protect our hair properly from heat.
For this reason, you should never neglect hair care products that protect, creating a thin barrier of protection between the hair and the heating tool.
Your hair will be healthier and your hairstyle will last much longer.

We are hair doctors, we have to give instructions on the use of tools and products, because we really want our clients to have beautiful hair and beautiful hair is healthy hair!

We help our client to take care of her hair, with the right way of using the products she chooses.
We help our client to comb the haircut we gave her in the right way to show her aesthetics.

Our honesty and behaviour show the value of our work and this is how we gain loyal customers. Experience and knowledge acquire substance when we make good use of them.

Heat needs attention and proper treatment, so that we get the effect of its use and enjoy it, both we and our clients, without hurting the hair, but taking care of it.

I conclude that:
The temperature is an ally that we respect him… and he makes our life beautiful!

If you want to conquer the hair I’m here for you. I can teach you to listen to her, and she’ll obey you.


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