Is exercise the solution to cellulite?


Although it is a natural and remarkably common phenomenon, affecting at least 80% of women, there are many widespread myths regarding cellulite. One of the most widespread is that there are specific exercise programs that can magically eliminate the dimples that we all know, giving the skin a smooth appearance.

In fact, cellulite forms when fat cells under the skin, which we all have no matter how often we exercise or how healthy our diet, push up the connective tissue, making the skin look like orange peel. And while increased fat levels have been linked to the appearance of cellulite, the issue is more complex, with factors such as heredity, ageing, poor local blood supply, certain hormonal changes (e.g. pregnancy, menopause, contraceptive use) and aggravating habits such as smoking and alcohol playing a role in its appearance.

How exercise can help reduce cellulite

Regular exercise can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but it cannot make it disappear.

Consider that in order to reduce cellulite, you need to burn fat and increase your muscle mass, two benefits that exercise offers. The more often you exercise, the more the blood flow to the fat cells is activated, which in turn increases the oxidation of fats and their burning. Also, with gymnastics, lymph circulation and detoxification is enhanced and swelling is reduced. On the contrary, poor blood circulation can lead – among other things – to hardening of collagen fibres and worsening of the appearance of cellulite.

What else can help reduce the appearance of cellulite

  • Adequate hydration
  • The balanced diet
  • The peeling
  • The anti-cellulite products
  • The lymphatic massage
  • The technology of aesthetic medicine

Keep in mind that to some extent, genetics determines how much cellulite a person has. The same applies to gender: women are more prone to cellulite due to the different construction of collagen fibres in the skin of women and men. In short, even if a woman tends to have cellulite, she can significantly reduce its appearance by applying a combined approach based on a balanced diet and regular exercise.


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