You want your mental health? Get a pet!


Guys, times are tough. Half the people I know are in the middle of stress and nerves. Others feel lonely, bored. Haven’t you ever wanted to go for a walk and needed someone to get you off your couch? Someone to help you with your antisociality? Get you on a program? To really love you?
I admit that without my dog, quarantine would have been scary and my life in general!!!!

According to psychiatric, psychological and personal research, pets can reduce stress hormones and improve the mood of all people, even if they are just before depression. Petting a pet can lower your heart rate and calm you down from a difficult situation. Did you know that they can even help with Alzheimer’s?

Most recently, the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) , a non-profit organization funded research on the health benefits of human-pet interaction and the results were spectacular!
HABRI’s vision is that the human-animal bond – the mutually beneficial relationship between pets and humans – will become universally accepted as a key element of human well-being, quality of life and physical and mental health.

Based on this and many other researches, it is revealed that the relationship between man and an animal can only do him good, since it relieves him from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and mental health management in general.

How many times have you had a fight with one of your own people or do you just feel that everyone and everything irritates you, doesn’t understand you and is against you? I’m sure the answer is many! If you had a pet, which would give you unconditional love on a permanent basis, you would surely feel better without a second thought. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “knowing people, I loved animals”… the person who wrote it probably knew something! Give some food and love to an animal and it will show you its love many times over.

Some say you are not ready for such a responsibility. How hard is it to feed, water and give love to a dog, kitten, cat, fish, bird and any other animal you can think of? ( yes my sister now lives with 4 little dogs, 2 fishies, 1 mouse, 1 frog and a bunny) and you are telling me you can’t have a single four legged or two legged soul? Experts say that adding a little responsibility for another person, such as a pet, can help by adding a new and positive dimension to your life. It will give you a new sense of your own value and importance in life, reminding you that you can do more than you think you can in the negative thoughts that often fill your mind.

And we come to the quarantine we all know… all of a sudden we all needed a dog to walk. We needed motivation to get out of bed and in order not to be “soft” on the couch, we had to get active. Who helped us in this? The pets help here too, since will “oblige” you (in these times they will allow you to leave the house) to take them for a walk, or to the vet, or to play with them. The routine you create together will help you to create a daily beautiful routine for the rest of your life.

You are no longer alone

When someone is depressed they usually isolate themselves. ‘But when you have an animal, you never feel lonely, because your pet keeps you company. Even a walk with him makes you more sociable, lovable and easy targets to talk to. Do you know how many acquaintances I’ve made just walking my little one?

“The culture of a nation is distinguished by the way in which people treat animals” Mahatma Gandhi once said, which I don’t know if it’s in our best interest as a nation in particular, but with each passing year it seems like we’re becoming more and more animal-friendly? Think about adopting a gerbil yourself, you are basically giving it a home and food and that gives meaning and health to your life!!!!

PS: I can guarantee that your pet will give you everything, making you, among other things, a better person. But if you are not ready to give even the basics to this little soul… I am not pushing you… you better not do it.


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