You want lipstick? Make it yourself!!!


In times of quarantine, characteristics such as creativity came to the surface of many people. I have plenty of time, everything was closed, now to go to a store you need an appointment and a procedure, so a smart and convenient suggestion is to make whatever you need.
You want lipstick? Fix it!!!! And not just any lipstick, but one of your own creation, without chemicals. You’ll be able to lick your lips and it will be extremely tasty. Among others, it will be a lipstick that will stay on your lips for many hours and will have a color, in natural shades to wear it comfortably every day! Choose the colour scheme you want and get to work.

Necessary materials:
Half a glass of warm water, 1 tablespoon of gelatine powder, 2 drops of food colour (available from supermarkets or cake shops, easily found online).

And because time is money we get down to business… first, put half a glass of water in a pot and boil it for about 2-3 minutes. The water should be lukewarm to warm to use. Put the hot water in a small bowl and add the gelatin. Stir well until the gelatin dissolves and finally add, stirring in your colored element. Depending on the colour you choose, you will have the shade you want.

In addition to the classic lipstick shape, there are also lipsticks in small jars on the market. This is how you do it by placing it on your lips with a lip brush. Your lips are pigmented, just let it dry and simply peel the product off your lips.

Are you ready!!!! That was easy, wasn’t it?


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