Why do you need a break?


With a daily routine so full, such a question seems rhetorical.
We don’t just need a break from work, but a complete disconnection that will recharge our batteries. The days go by, the hours do not arrive and we run and do not arrive.
But how does this madness of bloated programs affect us?

If you and I are even remotely similar, it means that new challenges are the spice of your life. I take on a lot of responsibility, try to maintain my creativity and never repeat myself.
But how easy is it to be constantly inspired when you don’t even have time to breathe?

Not at all considering the obligations of everyday life. In addition to work, there are family, personal and personal obligations you have towards yourself. Keep him well, healthy, eat right, exercise…
Just writing all this, I got nervous!

Take a step back.

Take a deep breath. Schedule a break, even a short one.
Some time with yourself, your partner, your family or a friend. Put the phone away for a while!
Quality relaxation and quiet time. Disconnect from all the things that cause you stress and block your creativity.
Once you take a breath you will see how much easier it will be to put many things back in place. One box after another will go where it needs to go.

After a very intense May, with constant travel, seminars, shows, full of creation I always needed a break.
A wonderful three-day roadtrip in the French countryside was exactly what I needed. It filled the eye and the mind with beauty and inspiration. Thoughts were cleared and batteries were charged.
I couldn’t miss a visit to Monet’s House, a personality I consider a huge source of inspiration for me and a visit there was one of my travel goals.

This European tranquility, this vast beauty of the French countryside was exactly what I needed before a busy summer and an even busier winter of education and creativity.
Of course, because a trip is not always an easy choice, I very often plan mornings at the sea, just before work, when everything is still calm and clears the mind.

Take a break in your life, however short it may be, it will always create some space in your mind for more inspiration or even decisions that will open up new paths in life.

I’m waiting for you to tell me in the comments how you prefer to recharge your batteries!


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