Why do you hesitate to expose yourself?


Thinking about how much you’d like to develop your work and advertise it, but don’t want to be exposed?
Why are you hesitating?
If you don’t show the world why your job is worthwhile, who will?

We have two lives that we separate and each has its own content and environment.
Something similar happens on social media.
Don’t confuse them, separate them.
It certainly seems difficult in terms of time and ease of management.
It definitely takes more effort, but it’s worth it.

Not only in our industry but in all professions.
Whatever work you do, don’t hesitate to expose yourself to the world and present it to them.
The right advertising that targets?
Where there are a lot of people. And where is the world today?
On the internet, where else??

Image Source : https://www.constantcontact.com/

Address your audience!

Find out how to discover your voice on social media.
Build relationships with your potential audience and present your work to them.
Something that I found particularly difficult in my case was maintaining consistency and maintaining quality.
Of course, there are 2 factors that will help you in your development and your progress in social media.

Be patient, it’s a virtue!
You can’t expect overnight explosive growth.
Stay away from fake audiences with purchased followers.
They offer you absolutely nothing in your job, instead they lead you to talk to walls that will never become your customers,
since they simply do not exist.
Besides, most people now know how to spot such moves and they will make you look insolvent.
Prefer the cleaner and smaller audience, who listen to what you have to say and see what you have to offer.

Image source: https://diri-socialmedia.de/

Don’t fall into traps!

Be careful not to lose the balance between real life and online life!
So you have to find a way to separate them and expose the ones you want, while keeping the ones you want more private.

But show what you do for a living.
Whether seminars, some travel, or an investment in a new move.
All of this is intended to enhance your work and, by extension, what you sell.
Why shouldn’t people know all the things that improve what they get from you?

So don’t hesitate to expose yourself.
You are one and unique and that’s why people will choose you.

Watch my video below for the exhibition of our work on social media.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel because every week we have a new video!
I’m waiting for you in the comments to discuss your concerns and worries about social media and whether they help our work!


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