We invest in the team!


“Getting together is a start, staying together is progress and working together is a success,” Henry Ford had said, to emphasise the value of working together in the team until the goal is reached. And years of scientific research support this statement.
For example, a 2010 study published in Science by Bahrami et al. revealed that in most cases, the outcome of a task is better when at least two people have helped each other, rather than working separately. And this is true in all areas, whether we are talking about the working environment, scientific research itself, the organisation of major events, family life, the achievement of goals. After all, most scientists will say that our ability to solve problems together, in groups, has played an important role in the survival and dominance of the human species on our planet.

This, of course, does not mean that it is easy for people to play as a team and gain solidarity, nor does it mean that we always aim successfully towards a common goal. But there is willingness and effort, and when that finally happens, cooperation can move mountains.

The team must be functional!

The team brings the result and, in the salon, the team wins and the team loses. It’s always difficult to match people, especially when you’re talking about different groups, the problems grow. Why? Because, unfortunately, the times bring each of us to have daily personal problems, so when everyone has their own load to deal with on a daily basis then it is difficult to communicate and work together.

My suggestion: Hypothetically put a tree outside the salon entrance. There every worker leaves his problems and takes them back to the exit.

Rules, team goals, continuous action. Information, exchange of ideas, knowledge and work.
Group training and workshops are very effective training!
The creation of shared experiences binds the group together and there is now another understanding and perception based on shared knowledge.

Our Team at Madwalk. Cooperation HCF Hellas & Loreal Professionnel

Keep in mind:

1. A team leader must be able to say: “This must be done. You’re going to do it. This is the way.” The survival of the group depends on this unquestioned authority. Without it, no one feels confident.
Peter Drucker

2. A dream we dream alone is just a dream, but a dream we dream with others is a reality.

3. We can do so little on our own. Together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

4.The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
Rudyard Kipling

Digital Hair Academy Maria Dretaki can undertake the training of your team, since it has the appropriate tools and the necessary experience to guide them through the seminars. You can create your own program, designed around your needs, in collaboration with us.

Invest in knowledge, invest in your work!

Find out about our seminar programmes at www.mariadretaki.gr


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