tweeps to increase profit!!! After all, money buys employees?


Because of covid19, they have gone all business back. We are back and we need to not only make a profit now, but also make up for the losses of the previous months.
According to Corporate Strategy experts, the keys to success for our salon business are the following. Invest in the right team and on the internet!!
How is this done? Sometimes it is not only the salary you give but also the incentives that matter.

1. Creation of Leadership Teams with expanded and decisive roles and aiming at the formulation, planning and development of the Corporate Strategy. They need to take action to mobilise and guide the whole business fabric in the right direction. To activate and promote the company’s values to all employees and, by extension, to society itself.

2. Management of human resources of enterprises and the need to ensure working conditions for the physical and mental health of employees. The strengthening of internal communication, the promotion of positive messages, two-way communication with executives and/or management answering all questions and engaging in open dialogue with employees. This creates a climate of trust by responding to their concerns, worries and needs.

3. Digital transformation. Digital technology is playing a catalytic role in the new reality.

Can money buy loyalty?

To have the right staff and an elite team, we need to pay attention to its members. Not only in terms of their training, but mainly in terms of their motivation.

If you are not already immersed in the internal management of salons or salons, you should know that every employee is motivated by external and internal incentives. The external is what we receive from others and the internal is what we derive from ourselves.

The loyalty of employees who had strong internal incentives (career development, training, motivation, productive evaluation, participation in decisions, etc.) was three times higher than those who had only external incentives (salary, bonuses, etc.). That’s why it is important for proper salon management to look for employees’ intrinsic motivation and offer them corresponding opportunities and challenges that are mainly based on them and not only on rewards to keep them motivated. Internal motivation is one of the strongest factors for employee performance.

Each leader must understand what each employee values as most important in order to provide the appropriate motivation.


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