The most sustainable way to consume in the fashion sector is to buy fewer items


Renting clothes proves to be more harmful to the environment than throwing them away. This is revealed in a new study published by the Finnish journal Environmental Research Letters.

It should be noted that in recent years, clothing rental services have emerged in an effort to reduce the impact of the fashion industry on the environment. However, the study reveals that renting is more harmful to the environment than throwing them away.

After investigating different ‘scenarios’ for the clothes – including recycling, resale and rental – the study found that rental was the worst option for the environment due to the transport to different customers, returning them and dry cleaning.

Of all the options, the best is to wear the clothes more than once before throwing them away. The research from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation states that while clothing production continues to increase – it has more than doubled in the last 15 years – the average number of times clothing is worn and purchased has decreased by 36%.

On the other hand, the researchers suggest that fashion rental should be done in a way that is slightly better, for example by using low-carbon modes of transport for clothes.

In order to solve the environmental crisis, as Dana Thomas, author of the book “Fashionopolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes“, tells The Guardian, clothes rental cannot be done all the time, but only occasionally, when the need arises, for example during celebrations or weddings.

The new study shows that if rental companies change their supply chain and make it more climate-friendly, rental will reach the level of resale in terms of environmental protection.

The most sustainable way of consuming in the fashion sector is to buy fewer items, which are worn as long as possible, it says.


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