The inventive Iris van Herpen


The young and promising designer from the Netherlands, Iris van Herpen is known for her eclectic ideas,
that guide her as she experiments with textiles and technology.
She sews unusual materials and themes into the clothes she creates.
Van Herpen’s numerous awards and frequent international fashion shows are only proof of her growing influence.

Her first steps

Van Herpen was born in 1984 in the small town of Wamel in the Netherlands.
The Dutch fashion designer expressed herself creatively through painting, dance and the violin,
before she was initiated into the transformative power of fashion when she entered high school.
Van Herpen learned to sew, cut patterns and embroider, a discovery that led her to study
Fashion Design at Artez Institute of the Arts Arnhem and internship at Alexander McQueen in London and Claudy Jongstra in Amsterdam.
Iris finally opened her own company in 2007.
Attracted by traditional craftsmanship in fashion, Van Herpen started laser cutting and printing
her detailed designs that soon evolved into couture dresses.

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Her first collection in 2007 featured the brass ribs from 700 umbrellas that were reassembled to form her clothes.
This innovative move by the designer attracted the attention of the Groninger Museum, which offered to buy part of the collection.
that Van Herpen works with the Belgian company Materialize NV to print its designs.
Iris has collaborated with many artists from various disciplines, often on a recurring basis,
including choreographer and dancer Nanine Linning, visual artist Bart Hess, Philip Beesley, Stephen Jones and Irene Bussemaker,
the shoe brand United Nude, director Zach, jewelry designer Heaven Tanudiredja,
together with director and filmmaker Joost Vandebrug.
For her latest collections, Van Herpen has collaborated with artists such as Anthony Howe and architect Neri Oxmann,
making its name with the unusual use of materials such as transparent acrylic, silicone, microfiber fabric and lace with polyester film.
Since 2011, the designer has been appearing at Paris Fashion Week, as part of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture.

Her creations have been exhibited in museums

With their sculptural and architectural nature, Van Herpen’s drawings are exhibited in various museums,
such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Royal Museum in Toronto and the Groninger Museum.
Van Herpen’s scientific vocation has also led to collaborations with CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research and
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In 2011, Van Herpen’s 3D printed clothes were included in Time magazine’s list of the 50 best inventions
that year, and was also awarded the ANDAM Gran Prix in 2014, the European Commission’s STARTS Award 2016
and the Dutch State Prize for the Arts Johanness Vermeer in 2017.

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Some of van Herpen’s ideas seem to be cosmically inspired, seemingly not adhering to any traditional boundaries.
They are futuristic. Her creations are pioneering in modern material production techniques,
allowing the designer to play with the fabric and give her pieces a stunning three-dimensional effect.

The distinctions and achievements

For some critics, her work may be too much to handle – she is seen as belonging to the ultra-avant-garde individualists.
However, this only seems to confirm how artistic her view of fashion is.
Indeed, it could be said that each of her designs is a work of art.

Given this perception of van Herpen’s work, it is perhaps not surprising that this successful 37-year-old woman
has already worked with some of the world’s show business elite, including Beyonce, Tilda Swinton and Lady Gaga.
Another key achievement was that she was the youngest designer ever to present at Paris High Fashion Week 2011.

During this year’s Met Gala a real sensation was Grimes’ appearance with an ultrafuturistic look
designed by van Herpen (and apparently inspired by this year’s box office success Dune).

Grimes in Met Gala 2023
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See Iris van Herpen’s entire career through time here.

If you’re interested in an avant garde direction for your hairstyle, find me on social media,
Facebook & Instagram. A unique journey is coming!

I kiss you,
Maria Dretaki

Iris van Herpen Instagram


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