Thank you, without too many words…

Thank you

You visited your salon and made a big or small change.

Usually the characterization of a change is subjective depending on what one’s tolerance for oneself is
or how a change that someone else might make looks to him in his eyes.

Change for someone can be a clear and big difference in before and after
and for someone else change might mean a 2-point haircut.

Whatever anyone wants! But that’s not the point!

So let’s say you made a big change!
“Renovation” is what I call these nice things!
You spent several hours in the salon but the result did you justice!

You went home and everyone said “Waaaaaah!” !!!

Now listen to how many things are behind that “Waaaaaahh”!
One person, the Hair Expert you trusted to make the change you wanted, had the following qualities:

  • Suitable and quality products
  • Education
  • Know-how
  • Patience
  • Soul

    You will tell me…
    -I know that’s why I went there! And after all, I paid for all this!

-Don’t stick your tongue out, son! I didn’t say otherwise and I didn’t finish!

You may have paid for the products and a little bit of training and expertise.
Patience and soul are not paid for with cash or card!

Did you smile at the man to show him how happy you were with the change you made?

-I wear a mask, you’ll say… and I’ll take it off and put pepper on you, for you have the counterargument here…

If you smiled at him with your heart, he saw it in your eyes, my sweet tongue!

You’re not sure now that we’re talking about it, are you?

I get it, you were at the salon for hours and you were tired at the end.
Not to mention that he had to take the photos at the end to upload the “after” and you didn’t feel like it.
I understand…
But you know, according to today’s standards, the “after” photo is valuable
for this man.
It is the only moment he can capture his work.
It is the photo that will promote his work, it is his advertisement and maybe his next post that will be able to promote his business and the quality of his work through social.
For you, a selfie with your new hair may be just a new “profile photo”, but for the professional it means much more.
So give him a beautiful photo with your heart!

And if you’re not sure about the smile you gave him, you can still say “Thank you”!
And not on the same day! It is not necessary since you are tired.
And tomorrow is tomorrow! And the day after tomorrow!

So here’s what you can do…

Put on your best smile, do some makeup and wear something pretty!
I want you to feel very beautiful! Ready?

Now take a nice selfie!

Weren’t you going to post a photo and a story with your new “look” anyway?!
Sure! I’m telling you!

Thank you
…My new look #myhairdresserisbetterthanyours

Since you would do it, which you would do, I realize I’m not bothering you… huh?
Very nice! Make a matte move for your hairdresser now!

Tag him and his salon!
And in the post and in the story!
Do you know what joy he will get?!
You have no idea!!!! We’re dying for this!!!!
For such small but very important for us!
It’s a very beautiful way of saying “Thank you without words”….
and we’ll be sure to return the favor. 😉

#miselgroup #Denmark


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