Solutions for white hair!


Do you have white hair too?
Definitely yes and if not yet, I’m sure it’s giving you pause for thought for the future!
Let’s see today, ideas and solutions for white hair!

Loss of hair colour is a natural progression.
It is the result of reduced melanin production by the body and occurs with age.
Of course, other factors such as stress, poor diet, health conditions, etc. play a role.

How can you manage them?

If you have a little white hair

You can selectively dye only the white hairs in the same colour as the rest!

If you have a lot of white hair

First of all, the colour you want to have plays a role.
On darker bases you will need very frequent root renewal.

Alternatively, you can choose lighter shades of highlights for your hair to cover it,
to mix the highlights with the whites and not need constant renewal, but only every 4-5 months.

Of course, if you have many or all white, you can leave them in their natural state.
In any case, I suggest you consult your Hair Consultant for specific guidance on your own hair!

And the men?

White hair on men is definitely charm. But many people may not like them, or may want to cover some of the whites.
There are solutions for them and you will see them in detail in my video on Youtube.

See in detail solutions and ideas for your white hair in my new YouTube video and you’ll find what you’re looking for!
Click here to see it!

If you want to make the change, to renew yourself and get a new image, talk to your Hairdresser Consultant.
He is the right person to make suggestions for your needs and particularities.

So I am waiting for you for a diagnostic appointment at Ananesios Salon, in Heraklion, Crete.
And if you are a hairdresser, share this article with your clients.

If you have any questions, you can find me on social media, Facebook & Instagram.

I kiss you,
Maria Dretaki


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