Self test not from pharmacies, but from supermarkets?


The decision of the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association to stop the free availability of self-tests from pharmacies on Saturday, June 19, has resulted in inconvenience and confusion.

However, this does not affect the right, obligation of all private and public sector workers and self-employed persons to take 3 tests within the current week.

Specifically, the agreement that existed between the Pharmacists and the government was in force until last Sunday and was only for two months. “As the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association we have taken the decision to extend the distribution period until June 19. The agreement we have made is that we will cover the society until the end of the month. The free distribution of self tests from pharmacies is stopped, this is a decision that is known to the state” said Thanasis Papathanasis, member of the Board of Directors of the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association.

He also added that, with this move, pharmacists feel relieved since they say the pharmacies had been turned into service centers for citizens, and there was a risk of spreading the virus.

Although we are now informed of this action, according to the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association, it is not a surprise move, but a clear initial agreement that had been made with the government, but which was not known to citizens.

The Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister, Akis Skirtsos, gives an answer, explaining that citizens will not be affected, since free distribution will continue for the whole summer, just through other networks.

According to information, after June 19, we will be able to buy the self-tests in supermarkets. Inside the supermarket there will be a special area, like a “kiosk”, from where the citizen will be able to obtain the self-test, in the same safe way, regarding personal data, as it was done in pharmacies.


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