Rice water the beneficial


Rice water the beneficial

We all know that organic products are very popular at the moment, knowing of course that everything we consume has preservatives
and other substances which we occasionally hear are responsible for many diseases.
As far as the health of your body and your hair is concerned, you will know that, although we have already mentioned it in the cupboards of the
kitchen you can discover small miracles.
One of these is rice water. Yes, you read that right.
There are people who don’t know the benefits of rice so here in this article I will explain some of them.

The ritual of rinsing the hair with rice water dates back a very long time.
The wonderful hair of the Japanese court ladies you believe was the rice water baths.
Fast forward to today and you will find endless videos on youtube and tik tok with people doing weekly rice water treatments.

What is rice water

It’s exactly what you hear, that is, the liquid left behind after the rice is rinsed.
Rice contains many vitamins and minerals such as amino acids, vitamins B and E and antioxidants, which are absorbed into the water
during boiling and then on your scalp.
Although there are scientific studies on the benefits of rice water for hair, anecdotally we believe that it helps improve strength,
of shine, texture and growth.

Beware of excesses

As with all treatments, results and side effects may vary depending on the texture and type of hair.
Keep in mind that rice water is a heavy starch with a high protein content, so combining it with other protein-rich products may cause an undesirable effect.
You can’t do this on a daily basis instead you can do it once a month for a start.


You’ve probably already guessed it…
Rinse about half a cup of rice and mix it in a bowl with about 2.3 cups of water.
Let it sit for about 24 hours or boil it until it becomes cloudy. Soak it and let it cool.
Then place it in a spray bottle and apply it to your hair in a lock by lock after you have washed and dried it thoroughly.
Give your scalp a good massage and then the ends.
Leave it on with a cling film or a bath towel for about 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Dry as usual.
That’s all!!!!

With love,
Elizabeth Makri


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