Parallel employment: Contribution notices for 2020 are coming


At the end of the month, it is expected, except in the unlikely event, that the 2020 insurance contribution notices will be posted for those who had parallel employment in the previous year and the contributions paid from paid employment did not cover the prescribed limit. This is an obligation that concerns thousands of insured employees with low wages or part-time employment, who also have a “blockchain”, as well as freelancers or self-employed persons with parallel paid work.

In fact, the continuous delays in the settlement of these contributions has created a significant delay in the payments of the 2021 contributions, which according to the relevant ministerial decision must “run” one month after the start of payments for 2020. In order to avoid further delays due to new clearance, the EFKA administration has launched a new online service for the submission of applications for parallel employment. In fact, during the first application and until Tuesday 31 August 2021, insured persons have the option of submitting an application – declaration of parallel or non-employment, for the period January – June 2021.

It should be noted here that a declaration of parallel employment is also made when selecting the insurance category at the beginning of each year, but given that there are changes in employment, with the new service individual periods can be declared, as well as changes that were not known at the beginning of the year. In this way, insured persons will not be required to pay contributions which will then be refunded or offset by EFKA. In this way, active insured persons can declare the months they have been in parallel employment or the months they have been employed exclusively as non-employees.

The declaration of parallel employment relates each time to the current month and is valid until the submission of a new application – declaration, which will change the situation from the month of submission onwards.

The submission of a new application – declaration of parallel employment within the same month, according to the “K”, cancels any previous application of the same month.

So, for example, an insured person who starts a non-employed activity from 01.10.2020, in July 2021 is hired as an employee. During July he must submit an online application stating his parallel employment. Once the application is finalised, the issue of notices of payment of social security contributions is suspended for July 2021 and for each month thereafter. If the insured person ceases his/her employment in October 2021, he/she must submit an online application stating the month he/she is employed exclusively as a non-employee.

That is, in the event of a break in employment on 15.10.2021 (or any day of October 2021), November 2021 must be declared without parallel employment. Therefore, for the month of November and for each subsequent month, notices of payment of social security contributions will be reissued.

But beware! During the first application and until Tuesday 31 August 2021, it is possible to submit an application – declaration of parallel or non-remunerated employment for the months January 2021 to June 2021.


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