Oh… The twisted one is here!!!!


Here comes the twisted… Oh…

Well, well, well… “twisted”

She is that client who is always nagging, aggressive and manages to upset the universe…

And now what?

One looks at the other with a pleading look to avoid serving her.
Suddenly all my partners magically disappear from my sight!

Meanwhile, the lady in question wastes no time…
It’s all her fault!
The place where he will sit, the water that, um… is not as he would like it to be…
The weather, the brush, the temperature from the hair dryer, the fringe that lacks volume, the flyaway bangs!

It’s not the most pleasant thing we have to deal with, but there is a solution to the good news of the day!
There is a way to control all the disruption that causes us “as soon as it appears”!


Let’s play with the thoughts a little bit.

A grumpy person is an unhappy person, certainly insecure and without joy.
His whining has nothing to do with us, our space or our services.
It is its way of surviving and moving on.
So whatever he says, whatever he does is none of our business and doesn’t touch us.
This thought that replaces the previous one leaves us more relaxed, calmer and able to cope with its behaviour.
Since we know that her behaviour is not directed at us but has to do with her, the feeling she evokes changes.
Anger and rage can perhaps be replaced by compassion for a person without joy.
Our thoughts about an event and the interpretation we give to it absolutely determine how we will feel.
The higher our self-esteem as individuals, the less annoyed we will feel by similar behaviours.

The attitude of the observer

Being the person who does not get emotionally involved in a situation, but observes it, is an important tool in communication between us.
Just notice her twisted like watching a movie. You are mere spectators and you can at most judge the script.

Life always gives us what we need!
To learn our lessons so that we can evolve and achieve harmony and joy in our lives.

soul beauty

The “twisted” at heart is a good teacher!

It teaches us in practice how to control the quality of our thoughts.
How to replace them with other more beneficial and useful ones.
It is a real instrument so that we can measure the degree of our self-esteem and our ability.
The ability to communicate effectively even in the most adverse circumstances.
The presence of the “twisted” is simply lessons in self-discovery.

So start with self-knowledge in practice.

At first you will find it difficult, get carried away, and become emotionally involved in her aggressive behaviour.
Slowly when you manage to control the quality of your thoughts and the interpretation you give to events.
You will also learn to remain unscathed in the face of the behavior of anyone who does not get along with himself…
And who knows?
You may go so far as to wait for the “twisted one” to see your own progress.

Of course, as soon as it appears, take a few deep breaths to help calm the brain.


Α. The quality of our thoughts determines our mood.
Β. I don’t give anyone the right to control my feelings with their behavior.

Elizabeth Makri


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