New year, new goals?


Happy New Year!
I wish 2023 to bring health, physical and spiritual, joy, creativity and happiness!
Like every New Year’s Eve, I’m sure most of us set new goals.
Goals that we devoutly believe we will achieve, because this year… it will be different!
But how will it really be different this year?
Today, I will share with you, 5 little tips that I believe will help you achieve your goals this year!

Shall we go see them?

1st Set specific goals.
For example, you say, “This year I want to lose weight.”
This is a generality that does not show you where the end of the tunnel is.
Instead, this year say, “I want to lose 3 kilos.”
That way, you’ll know when you’ve made it, staying away from generalities.

2nd Set achievable goals.
The idea of taking a 3 month holiday this year is great, but is it something you can actually do?
Probably not, so set a more achievable goal, like, “I’ll go on short trips on the weekends.”
Or something similar that can be put into your schedule easily and immediately.

3rd Be yours.
Don’t let the goals of those around you influence you.
This is the right time to think about what it is that you want.
Even if it’s something small, it’s yours and what you need, after all.

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4th Set time limits.
Don’t let your new goals fall within the general boundaries of the next 365 days.
Next year will arrive and you won’t have done anything.
Say, for example, “By Easter I want to have read 4 books”, “By August I want to be able to run 3 kilometres”.
So you’ll put yourself on a schedule and you’ll have completed it by then.

5th Mark your progress.
This will show you how far you have progressed towards the goal and how far you are from achieving it.
So it will motivate you to step on the gas until success.
Every time you take another step forward, you will feel the need to go all the way!

Goals, new year, new dreams!
Start today with perseverance.
You can do it!

I kiss you,
Maria Dretaki


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