Nelson Mandela : A day dedicated to humanity and equality


Today 18 July, as every year, is the International Nelson Mandela Day and an opportunity to honour,
one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century and to acknowledge his significant contribution to the
promoting peace, humanity and equality.
Nelson Mandela was a model of determination, dignity and the fight for human rights
and his “legacy” continues to inspire many people around the world, even today.
But what was the great legacy that this man left behind?

Nelson Mandela ‘s Struggle for Freedom and Equality

Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa and dedicated himself to the fight against apartheid,
a discriminatory and disenfranchising regime based on ethnic origin.
His resistance led him to prison for 27 years, during which time he chose isolation from the world.
However, he did not succumb to the pressure and continued to believe in the vision of freedom and equality for all people.

The legacy of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was freed in 1990 and assumed the role of “South Africa’s first black president”
in 1994, brought an era of hope and reform to the country.
Its policies promoted rehabilitation, unity and equality among all ethnic groups.
But beyond domestic influence, Mandela has managed to become an international symbol of hope, but also of justice.
His voice has been heard all over the world and has been an endless source of inspiration for many people.

Mandela has promoted peace and reconciliation with the key elements of understanding and tolerance.
After the end of his presidency his main occupation was the promotion of education, health,
but also social justice.
Foundations such as the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund,
continue to promote his ideals for a more just and humane world!

His teaching to the world

Nelson Mandela taught the world first of all to seek reconciliation and understanding.
Dialogue and exchange of views are important tools for conflict resolution,
but also to achieve peace.

Moreover, it inspired people to fight for justice and equality,
to respond to discrimination with determination and work for a world where everyone has equal opportunities.

So today, on International Nelson Mandela Day, is a good day to learn the story of this leader,
to celebrate equality and take the message of love, reconciliation and justice to every corner of the planet!


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