“Mrs. Sissy, I want to dye my hair.”


Tips for the first change in your natural hair colour…

“Mrs. Sissy, I want to dye my hair.” And so begins the conversation with anxious teenage girls who want to change the natural color of their hair.

But let’s start with two basic questions that not only girls have, but their moms have as well.

At what age is it permissible and safe for a teenager to start changing her hair colour?👉

And how much will the quality of the hair and the scalp be affected in the long run?

Adolescence is the age when the young girl wants to stand out, to attract attention among the crowd and to be in fashion by copying the look of various celebrities. It’s totally understandable, since as a teenager, I wanted to be in the know and feel trendy with my look!

But what is the scientific opinion on the changes in hair colour at the ages 10 to 16?; Experts advise that the body is still developing at puberty and any chemical formulation used may change the composition of the scalp and the hair shaft permanently.
If you wish to change your natural colour, the age above 16-18 is the safest age when hormones are balanced. I propose that the change should be conditional.

Here’s what you need to think about before the big change…


Do some research with the result you want, get ideas and look for the style that will make you happy!

It is the right time to make an appointment at the salon for diagnosis and consultation. The Hairdresser is the expert who will give you all the information you need!

Trust him because he will take care of your hair and explain the exact steps to get the result you want.

EXTRA TIP: ℹ️A proven technique and the ultimate hair trend for 2021 is French Balayage, a natural result in any shade you want, with the two-step service that promises shine, longevity and the best quality hair.


Avoid experimenting on your own at home by reading the instructions for a “random” dye you found on the shelf of a cosmetics store. If you experiment on your own, you are likely to use ingredients that will damage the hair and possibly take a long time to recover.

And the most likely is to make mistakes in application, in the residence time or there will be discolouration since most of the time, the attractive result of the packaging is not consistent with the actual result on natural hair..!!!!!

I hope I have helped with the initial concerns about the young lady’s appearance.
Remember that at the first visit to the salon, for the diagnosis, it is good to be two… mother and daughter because together you will decide the right result!!!

With respect and love to our art.

Sissy Visvardi

The HairXpert by Ioanna and Sissy


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