Maria Drettaki at the Color Your Power Masterclass by L’Oreal Professionnel Paris


Maria Dretaki and Stamatis Karaiskos presented a show that we hadn’t seen in years at the
Color Your Power Masterclass by L’Oreal Professionnel Paris.
The Greek Artistic Team of Haute Coiffure Francaise presented the French Collection.

Stamatis Karaiskos and Maria Dretaki brought us the air of Paris with their wonderful creations.
The National Opera House was filled with French finesse and the artists were applauded by the audience.
The Grand Finale of the Color Your Power Masterclass was held by the Greek Artistic Team of Haute Coiffure Francaise.

Backstage many members of the Greek Haute Coiffure team collaborated for the wonderful result.

It is one of the best performances in recent years, as the President of Haute Coiffure Francaise Nikos Kefalas said, !
The very strong Come Back of the Greek Haute Coiffure really captivated the audience.
Something that this particular artistic team, as it has proven in the past, knows how to do very well!
The artists presented a well-organized show and the stage of the National Opera House was filled with art!

Maria Dretaki, Creative director of the Greek Haute Coiffure Francaise, enchanted the audience and tells us about her experience! He talks to us about everything, the preparation, the anxiety, the goals and the result!



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