L’Oreal Pro artist – the journey begins!


I remember it was September when I heard somewhere that L’Oreal was going to hold auditions for young Pro Artists.

First of all, I can’t deny that I saw myself immediately in this group.
I was sure I would make it and so I set out to achieve this goal as well.

The first thing I had to do was to organise the theme I wanted to present at the L’Oreal audition.

1)To find the topic
2)Find a model
3)To make a plan for my presentation.

With incredible energy and a positive mood all the time until the day of the audition I was preparing feverishly.

Indeed, I will never forget the day I arrived at the L’Oreal academy with my model, nervous and smiling.

The moment I stepped on the stage of the presentation at the L’Oreal academy, as calm as I was, I had a knot in my stomach, it’s true.

But I said:

“Calliope now is your moment, you’ve gone to so much trouble, give it all.
This is L’Oreal here and the knife.

And so it was!

The days for the results were agonizingly long.

The moment of the announcement found me at home with friends!

It was confirmation.

It was the “bravo” when I heard my name.

So a new journey began in collaboration with L’Oreal, with intense joy and an even more intense need for evolution.

Through this magical journey I will share, educate, help and be helped.

Knowledge that is not shared is not knowledge…

And of course this is confirmed by my daily need for improvement and more knowledge!

Together with remarkable colleagues we will live unforgettable moments, intense experiences and of course we will grow as people.

How important is it to share all this with people who have the same vision and the same madness as you?

L'Oreal Pro artists
Photos from my presentation!

Go L’Oreal

Go L’Oreal Pro Artists 🎨


Calliope Veniou



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