I’m an artist, I don’t sell products…


I’m an artist, I don’t sell products!
I hear it, it’s there as a mindset, but I can’t agree.
This article is not only addressed to the hairdresser who thinks this way, but also to the person who trusts him.
To the person who trusts this artist and enjoys his services.
I’ll give you my logic and you think it over.
Whoever you are… artist or visitor.

The verb sell, in conjunction with products, is misunderstood because it is directly related to profit.
Personally I don’t think it’s a bad thing, since the sale is not kelp for silk ribbons.
I really like to advise and suggest.
I like to be careful to have.

I’ll tell you a story, a tale, so you’ll understand what I mean…
We travel now…

The story…

An artist is also a painter! He has his tools, his brushes, his paints and his canvas.
A hairdresser has all of that!
The only difference is that the canvas is your hair!
But let’s focus on what the painter does with his works.
Suppose the painter paints once a month, or every 2 months.
About as often as the hairdresser meets his canvas, under normal conditions.
So the artist paints and when he is done for the day, he goes and leaves his canvas outside… in the garden.

Some hours of the day the sun hits him.
When it rains, it pours…
When it blows, it falls and when it blows a lot it brings tumbles and goes and sticks to the garden mantra.
Luckily he didn’t come out of the junkyard for the artist to miss him.
So the next time he wants to continue his work, he’ll find him…
And he found him… But in what condition he found him, you understand?

So the artist paints …

The effort…

He loves this project and wants it to be beautiful.
So, he tries to clean it carefully, take care of it and repair the damage caused by the weather.
Its maintenance is not an easy task.
It should revive the colors in many places that have been spoiled.
The sun faded them and the rain spoiled them.
From the rolls it took until it got stuck on the paddock, it was torn in some places.
The wood is stained from the moisture. How will he straighten it out?

The disappointment…

The artist was a little disappointed…
He tries so long but his work is not what he would like..
It has a lot of damage.
He’d better start from the beginning.
But he really does his best to bring it back to life.
He tries really hard and long hours.
That’s it for today!

It’s not perfect but…

He did something… It’s not perfect but it can’t be anything else.
He is so tired that he cannot continue.
He leaves it where it is and will move on to the next time.
So he gathers his tools and puts his work out again.
And history, as you can see, is repeating itself…
The artist always does his best for his work!
It improves discolouration and heals tears and damage. Straighten the wood that has been cut and change it when necessary.
And again the same…

One step forward and ten steps back

Rave was drying out the artist’s work! The yacht bridge of Arta!
Each time he tries to fix the damage and has been unable to get it done. Never mind that after so many corrections it’s starting to break down.
The colours are not as vibrant and the patches are visible.
The canvas is starting to tear from the many stitches in the places where the wood had to be changed.
What else can he do? Every time he does his best! But every time!!!!
He was frustrated and was starting to lose his inspiration!

The disappointment…

Talking is always good…

One afternoon he is with a friend, an artist himself, and he tells him his problem…
The artist friend laughed!
– But really tell me what you don’t understand all this time trying to complete your work?
Why can’t you deliver the best result?
Why do you always fix it without evolving it?
Why has it become like this? Don’t you realize?
Because this month when you are not creating on your beautiful canvas, it is abandoned and has no care.
You set aside one day a month or every two months to do your best on it. And all the rest of the time they are at their mercy!

So in one day and specifically in a few hours you try to do the following:
Refresh the paint, fix the dents and damage and bring it back together to get it moving.
But do these things happen?
You’re never going to finish it like that.
You have to understand that as important as the moment you create on your canvas is, so important is the time you don’t work on it.

The proposal.

So I suggest that every time you finish, you protect it and make sure that your work is kept safe .
Place it in a shady and cool place in the house.
Keep it out of the sun and away from moisture.
When dry, cover it with a light sheet or nylon.
That way nothing will happen to him!
So the next time you have the time to pick it up, you’ll pick it up where you left off!
Only then will you be able to complete and see it the way you really want to.
So all you have to do is make sure it’s safe when you’re not with him!

Our artist followed his friend’s advice and managed to complete his work.
He managed to accomplish a lot more!
It felt very nice and very creative!
His inspiration was pulsating and in each of his works he became even better!

Let’s now adapt this story to the hairdresser…

The artist is the hairdresser… and the canvas is the hair of the person who trusts him.
They are found once in one or 2 months. So in this time between visits the following happens to the hair – canvas.
-They break by mistake and bad brushing.
-They break from hard and wrong rubber bands – bones.
-Done with thermal styling tools.
-Dehydrated by excessive temperature.
-They do not moisturize and freeze.
-Care products are of dubious quality.
-The colour has faded a lot.
-The hair is dull and lacks nerve.
-They have made tails from the many breaks.
and many more mistakes and hardships!

And I ask the artist first…
– What will you do first and what will you tidy up on your next visit, my dear?
How will you complete your project which is “Beautiful and healthy hair”?
Where do you start?

Then I ask the “Canvas” – a hairdresser’s visitor.
– What do you think your hairdresser can do once a month or every two months where you are? Miracles?
Yes, I accept! He’s an artist but… he’s not a magician!

Work together for the best result!

And now I’m referring to both!
It is very important the time you are not together!
Dear artist, advise the person who trusts you properly and guide them on what to do.
He doesn’t have to know!
You have to give him the right instructions to keep your canvas in good condition.

It doesn’t make sense otherwise.

Teach him to manage his hair – your canvas.
Suggest the right and appropriate skincare products!
For better or worse, products are a very important part!
You like it, you don’t like it!
Do your research and find the best products!
Find the ones that give you the quality that represents your work.
This is the only way you will be able to achieve greatness!

And you, dear “Canvas”…
Follow your artist’s advice.
Love and care for your hair just like he does.
Take care of your hair with the right products that she will recommend.
Give him the opportunity to give you the best possible result.
Alone once in a while he can’t work miracles!
You must cooperate!
So you will both enjoy the wonderful creation…
The wonderful project called “Beautiful and healthy hair”!

With love,



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