I made a mistake. Should I tell the client?


I have a dilemma which way to go? Should we admit our mistakes or should we subtly try to cover them up for the sake of our mental health? And we’re not talking about mistakes in our personal lives , but mistakes that have to do with our work…because mistakes are bound to happen whether we are beginners or experienced….it’s how we manage it from there that matters.

The client comes to the salon. We see what we will do based on what suits her, what she wants and what her mane can handle. If the client/customer wants something specific in terms of color, cut or hairstyle and I know beforehand that it doesn’t fit her face shape, her colors, her style or her routine, most of the time I tell her my opinion and we try to create something that will definitely be right for her hair, she will like it and it will suit her. When this is finally decided and the client who trusts his hairdresser accepts the professional advice, then we start…. and somewhere in the process, in the cutting or the painting, something goes wrong… and the result is not exactly what we had agreed upon. What happens then? This client trusted me….

The choices of what to do are two. Will you admit the mistake that was made or will you try to cover it up with white lies and diplomacy? I am sure you have had some unhappy customers among the hundreds of happy customers. Some people will never be happy with a change, at least not immediately after the change. The point is that you are not to blame for this discontent with any serious or not your mistake!!!

Say the mistake that was made!
If a mistake happens, I believe it is always best to take responsibility, to explain what happened immediately, with honesty, eye contact, good communication and of course a solution to the problem that was created. If the client goes home and finds out the mistake, the result will be that they will never come back to your salon, they will stop trusting you and you will be a terrible disservice. Will he be wrong?

A little diplomacy never hurts!

On the other hand, there is also the option, if a mistake has been made, not to report anything and simply go to the problem resolution service. You won’t let the client leave with brown hair when they asked for blonde, nor with an obvious mistake regarding a cut, but you won’t cause the client stress and worry that “oh we made a mistake”. You will make sure to resolve the problem in the process, possibly giving more time to the visit in question. If the mistake is not corrected simply and discreetly, you will schedule a free visit for the client to monitor the result of their hair and there you will fix what they had requested. Maybe giving him a bag of products to “repair his hair” is a good idea.

We are human, we make mistakes. Manage it properly, based on your own personality, respecting your customers and not only will you not lose…but you will gain their deep trust and love. Are you finally going to say a mistake you made?


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