How to increase our concentration at work by increasing dopamine


Our work concentration is of great importance, no matter how smart, educated and creative one is,
will not be able to offer much while there is no concentration and does not give the degree of attention,
to solve the problems that are in front of him.

Concentration and attention are complex mental processes.
They require the ability to penetrate the detail without losing the understanding and perception of the relationship between the
with the broader, overall picture of the problem.

Concentration is the base of the pyramid of mental abilities.
Enhancing the ability to concentrate promotes and further strengthens all other abilities.
Dopamine contributes to achieving good levels of concentration.

What is Dopamine?

Dopamine is an organic substance that belongs to the catecholamine family.
Its job, then, is to deliver messages of satisfaction to our brain.
For this reason it is also known as the neurotransmitter of euphoria.
Dopamine, however, is not only responsible for the feeling of reward that we feel, but also for the fact that
of motivation, punishment, but also creativity.
Dopamine contributes to a more intense, persistent commitment to a goal and strengthens attention and concentration.
Anything that can increase dopamine levels in the brain helps to boost dopamine levels in the brain.
time of uninterrupted attention and concentration.

So in what ways can we increase dopamine levels?

  1. The joy of learning. We produce dopamine every time we learn something new that
    adds to our knowledge and also our experience.
  2. Music can help when it is about pieces we know, that are gentle and preferably without words.
    Music can also be useful for masking other background noises.
  3. Sleep. We should never underestimate the power of sleep.
    Violating our brain’s sleep needs can play bad games with us.
  4. The joy of completing a task. Every time we complete a task, dopamine is secreted.
    It is therefore important to have completed one task before starting a new one.
  5. Tyrosine. It acts as a neurotransmitter and increases the body’s resistance to stress.
    We get it by consuming almonds, avocados, bananas, dark chocolate, coffee, coffee, these, green tea, milk and yoghurt.
  6. The harmful effects of fructose from foods high in fat and sugar.
    Their consumption dramatically reduces dopamine production.
  7. Daily exercise. During exercise not only dopamine is secreted, but also serotonin and endorphins.
    The magic mixture of euphoria, but also concentration.
  8. Meditation. Sometimes in order to get things done you have to do nothing!
    The scientific studies that prove the reduction of stress and the increase of
    of concentration through meditation are hundreds.
  9. Humor. In the workplace it is important to have occasional humour and pleasant human interaction.
    So both increase dopamine secretion.

If you are interested in learning more about increasing productivity and creativity at work
through work psychology techniques make a free appointment with us
at or call us at 693 7593 018.


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