Hat and hair loss!!!!


There are many myths about hair loss that need to be either debunked or verified. Read whether heredity and dna are to blame for hair loss, whether men without hair have more testosterone and whether stress or a hat causes problems with your head and hair.

It is said that hair loss is due to genes on the mother’s side. I always remember my grandfather bragging about his long forehead that, although it was white, did not leave him uncovered. Do your mom’s parents have hair? According to science and the director of cosmetology at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, Mr. Joshua Zeichner, this is not scientifically true. Hair density is a polygenic issue, so if your parents or siblings have hair thinning, then yes you probably should go to a doctor.

As far as men with baldness are concerned, there is a lot of talk. One of them is that they have more testosterone, which means that they are more sexually active, among other things. According to research, this does not seem to be true and testosterone has nothing to do with whether you have a lot of hair or a little hair.
Something that can affect hormonal changes in your body is the sensitivity of hair follicles, which has to do with genetics issues.

Losing your hair due to stress, anxiety and some traumatic events can happen, but according to the Mayo Clinic study the types of hair loss associated with severe stress are diffuse and alopecia gyrus, which are usually temporary.

Hat and hair loss

This may be true. And what do I mean by can? I mean hats, especially if they are tight on your head, can reduce blood circulation to the scalp, causing headaches, hair breakage and thinning. Wearing a hat is certainly not the only cause of hair loss and the most important result of this problem is genetic predisposition. According to Dr. Zeichner, medically the problem caused after tight pulling of hair, is called traction alopecia.

Don’t panic unnecessarily. In cases where there is no genetic problem and no predisposition, the hat alone cannot do any damage. On the other hand, if your hair is already thinning, then yes, your hat can accelerate your hair loss, since hats, among other things, cause pressure on the hair follicles and reduce blood flow.


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