Hairdressing salon opening hours


Many owners of hairdressing salon or other beauty countries are concerned about the working hours,
i.e. the days and hours that their business must be open.
We will see in this article what factors will help you decide on the final choice.

People first

The first thing to think about is yourself and your team.
What does this mean?
This translates into the fact that all people who have an active and daily role in the company should be able to perform at work.
That is why it is often observed that on Monday or any other day of the week the hairdresser or beauty salon is not open. It replaces the Saturday, which is a very hot day in the preferences of . of your customers.
So make sure to choose the days based on the needs of your team so that you can serve
effectively and the needs of your customers.

In the mind of the client

When you think about the schedule you should also keep in mind the way a client thinks and lives.

This means that when you work most of the time in the morning hours a large part of your clients,
then it is advisable to have given the option for appointments in the afternoon or even in the evening.
Similarly, be available on Saturday when there is more flexibility for most of the clientele.

Consider, perhaps, an alternative that will bring you more profit is to book two hours later and respectively
start your salon hours in the morning two hours later.
You will make this decision based on the workload you see in your beauty area.

Empty days

What can change in the schedule when you have more than one day off for your business,
in the sense that you don’t have enough people or customers to cover the the expenses of the salon;
The solution is definitely not to close the salon half the week!
Remember that it is a business and you have to find a way to make it work and make a profit.
Try the happy hour, the social media, online advertising and other practices to make sure customers know about you. You certainly can’t keep the salon closed for many days.
It would also be a negative image for the company.


Even if you have made a decision about what your schedule should include, stay flexible.
Basically what we suggest is to listen to the needs of everyone, but also of your clientele, whether old or new.
So, if you have heard that you are often asked for an appointment, for example on a Monday, remain flexible and see if you can
replace Monday with another day during the week for the team’s day off.

Try, try, try, try!

Because if you don’t try it, you won’t know what would work.
Don’t forget the results, compare them both in terms of turnover and the results that came in.
Of course, give each change the necessary time to allow it to show the result.


Based on the above article, tell us if you have ever thought of modifying the opening hours at hairdressing salon or try something new! Now if you’re one of those who constantly ask us questions about how to shape it,
we hope that this article will provide a satisfactory answer.
If there are any other questions you want us to solve please contact us.

If you found our article useful, don’t forget to follow us on social media or even contact contact us
to get more help on issues organization and development of your salon.
Before you go don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and read more on the blog.

If you also wish to upgrade your beauty area and the experience that your customer experiences
in your beauty area you can book a free introductory session here.

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