Hair and pool


Hair and pool

I know you’re looking forward to dipping your head and hair in the pools and doing your macros.
So am I!
But you have to take precautions!
Don’t let all your winter hydration and reconstruction treatments go to waste!

In today’s article, I will focus on the dangers of pool water for your hair.

Chlorine and swimming pool

You know that the water in the pool contains chlorine.
Chlorine is a chemical substance used for disinfection that neutralizes harmful microorganisms.
But what happens when it comes in contact with the hair?
Chlorine dries the hair, removes natural oils and makes it brittle!
It can also cause skin rashes.
Of course, this depends on how sensitive your scalp is and the amount of chlorine in the pool.

Colour and pool

Have you ever heard that after several hours of swimming in a swimming pool the colour of your hair has changed?
In particular, light-coloured hair is the most affected by pool water.
The hair turns green and this shade is difficult to remove from the hair.
This is because the copper contained in the water network is oxidised in the presence of chlorine.

What should we do?

To avoid becoming like Shrek, with green hair, you should follow these simple steps:

-Get under the shower and wet your hair before entering the pool.
This will create a film that will prevent the pool water from penetrating your hair.
You can repeat it as many times as you like. It will only give you benefits!

-Apply conditioner to the hair and pull it up.
Wear a hat or a cap like Aliki Vougiouklaki!
This will prevent direct contact of the hair with the pool water.

– Use a hair sunscreen to protect your hair from the sun and chlorine,
if the pool rules allow it.

-After leaving the pool, shampoo the hair, apply a nourishing mask and lock the treatment
with a moisturizing conditioner.
With this care protocol your hair will be shiny and healthy.

If you still find that your hair is still green, then pay a visit to the salon
to restore color with liquid vitamin crystals.
This way your hair will be free of chlorine and copper and will come alive looking healthy and shiny!

I’m waiting for you to tell me your experiences from the pools in my social media, and from me…happy diving!!!

Yannos Mindilonitis.


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