Glossy Hair is the trend that wants hair full of shine and health
As expected, this season will be a difficult one due to the energy crisis,
but as we see nothing has not deterred the hairdressers and they suggest light and shine to our hair.
Only if you take care of and moisturize your hair properly with the right advice from the experts can you have the most perfect hair,
healthy and shiny hair.
And if you haven’t figured it out the most Glossy Hair Look you’ve ever had is just around the corner and promises nothing but light and shine.

What is the Glossy Hair look
Like most things, there is a scientific explanation behind why your hair is shiny and glossy,
or the opposite, to be dull and matte.
It all has to do with the condition of the hair ties.
Hair in healthy form reflects light like a mirror creating a glow.
This is called mirror reflection.
Rough and damaged hair produces what is known as diffuse reflection.
It scatters light and makes hair look dull and shine-free.
So to get that Glossy Hair we all crave we need to encourage more
the mirror reflection rather than the diffuse one.
Achieving a glamorous look to your hair is harder than you think.
Poor quality paint, thermal tools, heavy drying techniques, hard water,
are some causes of losing the shine of your hair.
How to get the Glossy Hair look you desire?

What is your hair type.
First you need to know who it is so that you always use the right products and
always listen to the advice your hair expert has to offer.
Dry hair has a rougher texture.
Restore the moisture they need with proper hydration which is the key to getting shiny hair.
Try restorative hair masks enriched with vitamins.
There are also revolutionary hair smoothing treatments that the result will leave you speechless.
Oily hair in turn need special shampoos for deep cleansing where they regulate the PH of the hair.
Styling products are great so that you can get the Glossy Hair you desire.
But care is needed because after repeated placements the accumulation of products is high
and the hair needs special detoxifying shampoos so that the shine is restored.
Another innovative service that you provide in salons exclusively is hair gloss.
It is a paint shop service with emulsion coloring that brings back the shade of faded pigments
and offers incredible shine.
It all starts with the scalp
If you take good care of it, everything will be fine.
If you keep your hair moisturized, if you take care when brushing it and if you use the right products and as much as possible
less heat tools you put on your hair then you have secured the ultimate Glossy Hair look you’ve always wanted.

Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Makri.