For soft feet…after shaving. Attention !!!!


Summer came and we started wearing our dresses and skirts.

Having smooth skin and soft feet is very important and noticeable. Shaving them, how many times have you had the result you wanted, without irritation and pimples?

If the answer is, not many… You must have done something wrong.

By following these tips, your feet will always be soft and shiny.

1.First of all, your razor must be completely clean. If there are residues, germs or hairs from a previous shave, you will not get a good result at all.

2.If your razor is not dry when you close the lid and put it back in place for the next time, it will probably rust. and if that happens and you don’t notice it before you shave your legs again, there will be irritation.

3. There are razors on the market with 1,2,3,5 blades. Do not prefer razors with a blade, because especially in the difficult areas, bikini, knees, armpits, you will find it difficult to achieve your goal. Razors with as many blades as possible do a better job.

4. Proper hydration and preparation of your feet is definitely something you need. Make sure you use a good shaving foam or a special gel and not just water. If you don’t use any products, your feet will be dehydrated, dull and probably hard. Even after shaving, your skin needs hydration. A good tip my grandmother used to give me, who was against commercial creams, was to put some olive oil on your palms after shaving and smear it on your feet.

5. We usually shave against the hair. But if you have sensitive skin, this may make it worse and irritate it more. Try shaving from the direction of the hair. You may not have as smooth skin, but there will be no irritation.

6.Do not shave and immediately go to the sea or walk in the sun. If you sunbathe when you have shaved a few hours ago, your skin will become dehydrated and dull and rough. If you go into the sea or swimming pool, you’re likely to irritate your freshly shaved skin and get pimples.

7. Just like makeup cannot be done on dirty skin, shaving cannot be done on feet that have not been exfoliated for a long time. Once a week is enough to exfoliate our feet and get rid of dirt and dead cells.


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