The role of the Hairdresser!


What is the role of the Hairdresser?
Is it one thing or is it something more complex?
Why is it that a very small percentage of those who are in hairdressing school end up continuing in the profession?
These and many more, in the article you will read below!

Do you know how serious our role as hairdressers is?
Have you thought beyond cutting, combing and dyeing hair how much of an important role we play?
The truth is that at the beginning of my career I didn’t understand the gravity of what I was doing either.
Every day, I worked and moved mechanically with certain movements.
I was cutting and combing and I thought this is the best I have to give.

When I realized how multidimensional what I can do, but I don’t do it, I panicked!

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How much work is needed in the end?

Many experienced hairdressers tell me that they feel nervous about their skills.
Of course, when you want something to succeed, you’re constantly chasing it.
I often feel the same anxiety myself.
How do you reduce it, even make it disappear?
With work and vigilance.
Training never stops, seminars, seminars and more seminars!
This is the only way to dispel any insecurity and feel confident about yourself.

When I went to school, there were 80 people in the hairdressing department.
Today, only 3 of them are still active in this profession.
This means that under 4% were learning a profession that would give them a life career.
But why such a small percentage?

Because, when you consider it as a career choice, you think of it as something easy, something that will get you up quickly, without much effort.
You expect that you will quickly open your own place, make money.
The truth is that in our profession, evolution is indeed fast.
But it does not come easily.
It requires constant effort, training, practice.
Learning in this business never ends! You always have to go after her.

Beyond our core tasks, there are some deeper concepts that give us multiple roles.
We don’t just do hair, we create the image of our client.
And at a time when the image has so much power, our work is very important.

We design on the basis of portraiture, correct the hair texture and make suggestions based on colouring.
Furthermore, we lead the customer to modern choices based on current fashion trends
and train him how to care for and treat his hair.
In a phrase, we are beauty consultants!

Of course, in order to achieve all this, we must first decode the person we are dealing with.
To listen to him and understand him.
Then the proposals we make will be successful.

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So what role do we have?

The roles are many, we are not just hairdressers, not just creators, not just psychologists.
We have a multiple and multidimensional role.
If I were to change the word hairdresser with another word, it would be hair designer, beauty designer!
Easy or difficult all this?
Surely such a path and route has difficulties.
Nothing comes without effort, we’ve said that!

I study, design, propose and create.
All this makes our role important.
Of course, our image matters too.
She is the one who will reach the customers and give us a new air.

You can see much more in my new YouTube video, which you can find below.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for even more hairdressing content.

Inspiration is inexhaustible and everywhere.
Look for it and open new horizons in your work!


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