Slow down the aging process…by improving the elasticity of your skin


The loss of skin elasticity over time is a natural process that cannot be stopped. However, it may slow down. By making lifestyle changes, such as using sun protection and stopping smoking, you can help your skin retain more of its natural elasticity.

Skin elasticity refers to the ability of your skin to stretch and spring back into place. It is the one that gives us firm and healthy skin. As the skin loses its elasticity, the first wrinkles and aging lines begin to appear. The elasticity of our skin is naturally higher when we are young and slowly decreases as we age. Although it is inevitable that your skin will become less elastic as you age, there are ways in which you can slow down this process.

How you can slow down the skin aging process

  • Nutrition

To naturally improve skin elasticity, start by improving your diet. Our body needs a wide range of nutrients to function at its best. If your diet does not have large food groups, your body will not have the energy and reserves to continue to produce collagen. A poor diet can accelerate collagen loss, leading to premature skin aging and sagging.

  • Supplements

Most experts believe that you can get all the nutrients your body needs from your diet. However, if you find it difficult to follow a balanced diet or just want to try adding more nutrients, a supplement may be right for you. Because vitamin C, zinc and copper are essential components of collagen production, a daily multivitamin can be beneficial.

  • Exercise

Exercise benefits every system of the body, especially the skin. In addition, it can help to prevent the aging process of the skin, maintaining collagen reserves and preserving its firmness. One study found that the skin of athletes over 40 is more like the skin of someone in their 20s – when examined under a microscope. Skin samples from those who exercised regularly had more collagen and looked firmer.


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