“Scissors on Duty”, voluntary action for fires in Schino, Corinthia


Next stop …. Loutraki .
All hairdressers and barbers are invited to take part in the voluntary action to help the fire victims and the animals damaged by the fire in Schino-Alepohori.

Another charitable, voluntary action is carried out by Konstantinos Koutoupis, who, as he told us, after winning the World Guinness record for speed in haircutting, decided to do something that would first of all fill him, by first of all making his psychology better.

Starting with the fires in Mati, he continued to raise money and volunteer wherever he could.

Konstantinos Koutoupis, in collaboration with the company Marras Hair and the Exoraistiko and Polistiko Club of Schinos, invite hairdressers to use their art for a good cause this Sunday, June 6, 11 am, in Loutraki.

Those in the area can bring dry food, gauze and anything else they wish and think will be useful. Money can also be raised through a haircut.

Specifically, there will be a piggy bank to raise money, which will be used to buy essentials for our fellow citizens and animals.

Anyone who wishes to donate something and is not close to the area, can go to a pet shop and pay electronically for the dry food they want, informing them to deliver it to the salon.

Anyone who wants to help, in any way, can contact them at 2744066437 & 6945977046.

All the necessary prevention measures against Coronavirus will be followed (use of mask, distances, self-test).


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