Find your colour! You deserve it!


The primary colours have their own characteristics and affect your mood differently.
Find out what your colour is by reading the analysis below:

The basic colours

Blue: Symbolizes immortality, mind, revelation, purity, wisdom, piety and coolness. It corresponds to water and the feminine element. It also represents learning and healthy emotions, and favours knowledge. It reinforces loyalty, stability, generosity, loyal friendship and measured life. But it is also the colour of caution, of coldness, of lack of emotion, of unfriendliness, of catholicity.

Red: Represents the body. It expresses energy, vitality, sexuality, interest in life, happiness, spontaneity, excitement, danger, aggression, ambition, ambition, rebelliousness but also … and love. It evokes vitality and we identify it with fire, blood and sacrifice. It brings excitement, carnal desire, love and stimulates the senses. It is the colour of temptation, of amorality, of shame, but also of the invitation to acquire knowledge. It empowers, stimulates, but also irritates. It also increases the will to live, while it causes warmth, joy and facilitates the expression of emotions.

Yellow: Represents emotions. It expresses wisdom, understanding, youth, youthfulness, vitality, energy, happiness, curiosity, flexibility, progress, inclination for fun, communication, keen intuitive perception, intellectualism, purity of emotions and complete freedom from passions. It is also a colour that dazzles, impresses, reveals but also inspires. It expresses youth and joy, clears the mind and purifies thoughts. It is antidepressant and ideal for workplaces, while its soft shades are relaxing. But it is often associated with deceit, cowardice and jealousy.


The derived colours

The meaning of the colour Green.

It represents harmony. It expresses energy, manifestation, youth, hope, joy, harmony, harmony, the tendency to rest, comfort, comfort, warmth, nurturing, germination, growth, development, fertility, maturity, harvest and new life. Symbolically, it is an ambiguous colour. In general, it symbolizes nature (in all its extent and grandeur), spring, growth, reproduction, prosperity, peace, brotherhood, reconciliation and cooperation. It is also soothing, healing, with therapeutic power and serves as a balm for people who are physically or mentally tired. But it also has a negative connotation, representing selfishness, jealousy, laziness and foolishness.

The meaning of the colour Pink.

We have purity, connection with integrity and passion. When we choose pink it puts us in a position to respond with emotion towards life. We also cannot adopt the “I don’t care” perspective on life and death, when it is a healthy commitment to well-being. You see, pink takes us through the chaos of life, distractions, disasters and turmoil, and binds us to calm and relax. Yes, we will pursue these in life and pink helps us with the hunt! The darker the pink, the more vibrant and bold the friction, for health and tranquility. The lighter the color pink, the more serene and smooth the path to serenity.

The meaning of the color Purple.

We can feel the luxury and service. Purple has a connection with the universe and supernatural energy. It’s the colour of evolution, which is obviously beyond our control and everything else in our physical world as we know it. If purple is our colour, intuitively we will attract the rewards of life through the richness of our experience. Our awareness of the rewards and riches of life is rooted in a long evolution of our soul.

So, we need to know: Our evolution does not end! This is truly a blessing, but the lessons that empower this evolution are not at all pleasant and fun. However, as our colour indicates, we have been through many difficulties and sorrows, both in past lives and in our current life. So, in fact, we can win the game. It’s all a matter of evolution, part of something much bigger that we will eventually survive and reap wonderful rewards!

The meaning of the colour Orange.

We are alive! Healthy! The others, whether they love us or hate us! Our orange energy may be seen by some as rude or offensive. It’s not that we’re doing something wrong necessarily. It is simply that orange evokes and draws energy and reactions. Every element in nature that draws energy and attention, attracts both positive and negative reactions. It is above all healthy.. warm and amusingly fruity.

If we haven’t already, we adopt Autumn as our best season. This is the time of year to make some of our best decisions. We want a project to be completed and maybe we need a boost? Orange lets people know that it would be better not to expect boring things or moments from us. If we don’t have a creative outlet, our spirit dies. And in this world of anxiety and endless stress, our creativity is exactly what will save us and provide evolution for our souls.

The meaning of the colour White.

We are bright and lively. Intuitively we connect with innocent purity, goodness, faith driven understanding and light. We can’t help but design expectations. People see our goodness and our radiance shine through. Thus, we can naturally evoke respect and higher expectations for gentleness, humility, sincere protection, spiritual sterility, true spirituality and perfection.

My colour is pink… of course! Many will have figured it out by now!
Yours? Write to me in the comments!


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