Don’t judge!

Judge not to be judged, the people say, and they have a point.

With great ease we can judge everything around us.

We judge the thickness,
the width,
the height,
the crooked tooth,
1 eyebrow,
the sting ,
the no sting,
the older one who is backsliding,
the younger one who is immature,
the free man who drools,
the married man who’s getting married again,
having a child,
not having,
not wanting to do, there’s not even an option,
not working,
doing a good job,
not to do,
to be social or not to be social….

You want more?
I have at least 100 with great ease.

But what you never do…

What you never think about doing is stepping into someone else’s shoes.

In his shoes.

Why is he eating?
Why is he limping?
Why is she crying?
Why is he yelling?
Why? Why? Why?

You know why?
Because he is simply a different, unique, special person and he is worth as much as you are!
He deserves it as much as the rest of us.
Happiness is for everyone!
However you are…
Whoever you are…

And I’ll tell you something I read (I have the impression in my beloved Flamouris whose books you MUST read if you haven’t already! )

Do you know that we are born with 50% of our happiness ready in our dna?
So we have already been given by our ancestors how happy we will feel!!!!
We conquer 40% of it with our thoughts.
And 10% is what we acquire in our lives through material goods.


We have been striving for this 10% all our lives ! That is, we get beaten up, we get frustrated, we give up all the other good things we already have in order to get the next mobile phone, the next car, the next better house, believing that it will make us happy.
Um! not!!!
We keep poisoning the 40% because we think we want more and more and we never “dig”, we never explore the ready-made 50%.

Do we finally need to find out who we are?
Should we stop listening to the sirens and focus our gaze right next to us?
Is that where all those things exist that are capable of making us perfectly happy?
You know how I liken our planter needs?
I see a man walking along, whistling casually and with a look of mischief, holding a fishing rod leaning on his shoulder, on which rod hangs a bunch of things that are ultimately of no substance to our happiness. And behind him runs a poor raggedy man, weak, panting, hungry, with outstretched arms to catch the reed…
And the closer he gets, the farther away the reed goes….and if he catches it, he tears it up with his claws and runs for the next one and the next one….and the next one.

It takes work to detach the mind from all the things that affect it.
It needs work.

But it’s worth a try.
Especially in this whole situation when we were together and we realized that all these facts, the everyday, the simple ones, were the ones that really “fed” our soul and our mind.

Look around you, where are you?
Are you at home? at your salon? on a little stroll?
Somewhere you’ll even be at the supermarket for a boring routine shopping trip.
Look how lucky-or are you…
Others do not have this possibility!

So I want you to try and try every day, even for a few seconds, to realize the “gifts” we have been given but ultimately take for granted.
So let’s dig a little deeper into ourselves ….are we happy and we don’t know it?

Let’s give it a try.
For a calmer and more conscious life.

Calliope Veniou


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