Bride-to-be? 10 rules for you!


Bride-to-be? For you the 10 rules!!!!

Ω! yes!!!!
I have 10 very important rules (basically guidelines) for you to enjoy this wonderful big day.

’22 is here and with all the positivity you are getting ready to dress up as a bride.

The coveted proposal was clearly preceded by the coveted marriage proposal (…say…say…) and the time is approaching for you to become Mrs. Kokoviku with glory and honor.

But I don’t want you to be nervous, bride-to-be!
I see you a little overwhelmed and I don’t like that scowl at all.

Let’s get things in order:

-Everything doesn’thave to be too much” because theoretically you get married once ( don’t tie it in a knot…)

-Staytrue to your style.

-Don’t try to be something you haven’t been for so many years!

-Beyourself, bride-to-be. Are you sweet? Stay sweet! Are you a little bitch? Stay that way, darling! You are a goddess as you are! It’s what LEPA said – Stay as you are, don’t change anything…

-Keep your eyes and ears open and trust the opinion of experts. Don’t be influenced by fashion completely but by what suits your body and soul!

-Startlooking early to avoid stress. What if it’s all lightning and fast? Ε! then, my love, fast food has a different sweetness!

-Basic? You have to know what you want!!!! That way you won’t be unsatisfied after every outfit, hair or makeup test.

And I go on…

-Don’tleave your hair and makeup for the end! !! Give them the value they deserve and the time they need. It’s your appearance!!!!

-Bookyour beauty expert as early as possible. This way you’ll be sure that you’ll be his first choice for the big day and of course you’ll have time to get to know each other and try everything and anything they need.

-Shareyour concerns! How will anyone know the solution or even help you if they don’t know what is troubling you as a bride-to-be?

Don’t be nervous, bride-to-be!
Everything will happen as it should as long as you let go and enjoy it.
You’ve waited all these years for this time to come and I know you want everything to be perfect. The unexpected will happen and I want you to be ready. Don’t get upset about little things and spoil your chakras!!! I won’t let you!

Every obstacle!
Every little difficulty!
It will come because you are capable of BOTH facing it AND solving it.

Stay focused on the goal and everything else will just pass you by!

If you need anything, do not hesitate to contact me.
You know where to find me!

Calliope Veniou


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