Aim for life!


Our goals are our driving force.
It is the reason to fight constantly and not to let a moment go by without reason.
Some moments come to wake us up and make us see things differently.
To change our habits, to try new things, to do that check up we keep putting off.

Prevention saves lives.
This is a motto that the Panhellenic Cancer Prevention Society “Target-Prevention”, strives to make it our motto for life.

But of course, in addition to waking up, we also need to contribute.
Empathy, for how women who are currently suffering feel.
Indeed, the issue of hair is a key part of a woman’s journey through illness.
Therefore, we, who above all our job is to make women feel good,
we can be part of their effort.

Free your Hair!

On Thursday, July 7, the “Ziel-Propriese” Association of Crete, together with the Region of Crete, organized a celebration event where women could cut and donate their hair for a wonderful cause.
That of creating wigs for sick women.
The event was supported by the Association of Barbers, Hairdressers and Shopkeepers of N. Heraklion, whose members voluntarily undertook all the haircuts of the women who decided to offer.
Then, the wigs that will be created from this offering,
will be offered completely free of charge to any patients who need them.

Giorgos Tsalikis accompanied the event with live music.
The atmosphere was fantastic and we really experienced a celebration of giving and solidarity.

In addition, all the organisers tried to convey the message of prevention to the whole public.
A word that has saved so many lives.
We owe it – and above all to ourselves, to take care of it and look after it.
Part of the care is therefore not to neglect our annual examinations.
For example, you can set them on your birthday every year.
So you won’t forget them and you will give yourself the best and most precious birthday present!

So set a goal for yourself.
Offer all the help you can to such commendable movements, which so much help people in need.
For you it may be an afternoon, but for someone it can be a tremendous help in their struggle.
So, take the initiative and spread the message of giving and of course of prevention!


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